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Is Putin/russia Right About Gb?

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on the news there he was meant to have said that gb is just a small island that nobody listens to any more. has he any credit? in my views it has become a soft nation of protesters and lazy fcukers

If only we had all joined in and helped Hitler it wouldn't matter what Putin thinks cause he would be a train driver or something !!

it seems were a far way off the men even from the 60s never mind the early half of the 20th century. I think we need a military experienced pm to run th country who will stand up to all the nonsense g

it seems that Cameron is hell bent on striking at Syria, their fcukin muzzies let them get on with it, its all in the peace that is islam, what bollix let the world see what theyre really about. and put that as the reason for banning Islamic worship in Britain. why cant the arab league not sort it out with camel racing or some other backward way that's stuck in the old testament. did Cameron not learn from tony the bastar d bliar on Iraq? and the weapons of mass distraction like his oil wells or his gold?

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so the yanks want to bomb the shit out of someone else, whats new, they have financed terrorism worldwide for years and now after they have had a taste of it on their own turf (altho I will admit is was a biggie) they see themselves as the worlds police force, they should wind their rednecks in a bit and let the un make these sort of decisions, putins right, if the un makes the decision to take action then that should be the way to go

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so the yanks want to bomb the shit out of someone else, whats new, they have financed terrorism worldwide for years and now after they have had a taste of it on their own turf (altho I will admit is was a biggie) they see themselves as the worlds police force, they should wind their rednecks in a bit and let the un make these sort of decisions, putins right, if the un makes the decision to take action then that should be the way to go

Hmmm. Yes GB is a small country. But I wouldn't call them weak by any stretch of the imagination.


Internal turmoil is common to all nations. If anything, it's a strength.


World policemen? Well if I ever pull you over you'll have a beating coming. :D



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We are certainly not what we were 30 years ago, but we don't kid ourselves on that.


Nobody listens to us, hmmmmm not that I'm happy with the commons vote but if parliament had been pro intervention in Syria things would be very different in the middle east this week........... essentially our parliament may have completely changed history. The US would have undoubtable carried out strikes by now but they are stalling and that is entirely because of the UKs stance. Just one example.


That's f*****g rich coming from the former soviet union.............. former in no small part due to this little island.


I think we're a much more powerful country that in the 1980s. Also in the late 1970s we were going to the IMF begging. As a military country we are way more powerful that in the 80s. Even without a carrier the Argies wouldn't dare attack us unlike in the 1980s where the UK was seen as a spent hasbeen ex colonial power which is partly why they did it, also they were given the impression we wouldn't stand up to them by many politicians. In the last 20 years we've done Iraq twice, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Yugoslavia and Libya and have been far more involved in shaping the world than in the 1980s. Granted in the 80s the cold war was still on.


Putin is just goading us but to say no one listens is a joke. After the vote in Parliament it's funny how the French and USA suddenly got cold feet.

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i think we should just forget about the tribal middle easts troubles and let them kill each other. ts in theyre religion to do it , our governments should concentrate on getting our workers back into jobs and kicking the asses of the lazy gits back into life again

I think we should do what we always did and take them over and put them under British rule, Would also sort out unemployment over crowed prisons 6 months training and of to the east, plus thin out the human race a bit 3rd world war wouldn't be so bad....I'd even sign up but I've just started ferreting so cannot right now.

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Your common or garden Russians are all as poor a church mice, that's why they are all over here working and raising their familys......if Russia is so great and we are yesterdays news then they would have stayed at home wouldn't they.


Putins full of shit, he is probably just pissed off because the only one anyone really cares about now are the Chinese


The gap between rich and poor in Russia is mammoth, my pal was over there doing some business and tipped the driver who had been driving them around all week a tenner.........the hosts were horrified and told him he must never do such a thing as its too much money and would spoil the bloke!!!


A container of Bensons was 13p a packet!!!..........lifes cheap as f**k out there, no different to a third world country so I don't know what Putins blowing himself up about

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The russians have always been diffrent from the rest of the world,I guess thats what being an oppressed nation does. the people just do as they are told and keep there head down,not a lot has changed in that country.if they complained they were hit that hard they wouldnt complain a second time. Your average ruskie on the street cares very little about politics.as long as a russian has a bottle of vodka and some form of domestic animal to f**k he will quite happily piss and shit his life away,thats about the measure of a russians politics.

putin is a dodgy character,but no more or less than past leaders.its just how russia has and always will function.gangsters at the helm,even stallin was an uneducated paranoid country bumpkin.aye they have had some real headcases lead them thats for sure.

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The russians have always been diffrent from the rest of the world,I guess thats what being an oppressed nation does. the people just do as they are told and keep there head down,not a lot has changed in that country.if they complained they were hit that hard they wouldnt complain a second time. Your average ruskie on the street cares very little about politics.as long as a russian has a bottle of vodka and some form of domestic animal to f**k he will quite happily piss and shit his life away,thats about the measure of a russians politics.

putin is a dodgy character,but no more or less than past leaders.its just how russia has and always will function.gangsters at the helm,even stallin was an uneducated paranoid country bumpkin.aye they have had some real headcases lead them thats for sure.

well i like him :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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