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Undercover Reporter???

Guest WILF

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A BBC rep contacted us with regard to the image and posts made about one of their reporters..they contacted the police and they now have a copy of the thread, and are investigating further into it...

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Guest The Big Fish
  Tallyho said:
What was all that about, i havent been on for a while, so must of missed it , was it to do with hunting ????????


It was nothing to do with hunting at all.


I feel that i speak for all of the moderators on this matter and would ask that in future no images of individuals are posted on the forum in a manner that could get the website closed or any of its members in grief with the police.


This site has to be the biggest hunting forum on the internet and as such the members of it should be aware that we are the ambassadors for the hunting community.

I don’t believe that anyone on here wants to get a visit from the old bill, so just be careful what’s being posted and stay safe.


Good hunting!

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Guest The Big Fish

Well Nikey as far as i am aware, this all stems from the program that will be shown on the bbc panorama program on thursday. I believe that the program is about dog fighting?


I will watch panorama this week and see what the content of the program is. If terrier work is being investigated too, then of course it is involving the hunting community too, i wasnt aware of this.


But that being said, there is a law, wether you or me like it or not and if you dont want the old bill hassling you, then dont air dirty laundry on a public forum.


All i am saying is be sensible about it.

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  The Big Fish said:
stay safe.


its by passing this kind of information on that we stay safe......just show tho how closely we are being watched......but surely we must have some way of letting people know who is trying to infiltrate us

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Agree Big Fish :yes: . Its not illegal to show an image of someone, as you can see by the images of people the anti's have on their own sites...what is illegal are threatening comments towards an individual.. This was a case a couple of year back when anti images were shown, no problem, but then the comments came and the police contacted us...


Nikey, no you never broke any law I agree..

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  Nikey said:

HI, it was not the image being posted, but the threatening comments made that have brought this on.....


WE know its the internet and all that, but those that are against us will try to mis-quote us at every opertunity and also try legal action if they think they have a chance of winning........



IMHO you did the right thing to post the pic, but with hindsight a locked thread would have been more ideal so no threats could have been made.... :yes:

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  J Darcy said:
  Nikey said:

HI, it was not the image being posted, but the threatening comments made that have brought this on.....


WE know its the internet and all that, but those that are against us will try to mis-quote us at every opertunity and also try legal action if they think they have a chance of winning........



IMHO you did the right thing to post the pic, but with hindsight a locked thread would have been more ideal so no threats could have been made.... :yes:


I suggested that and was told it wasn't worth the hassle :doh::whistling:

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Putting up pics of scumbags like this is good... who does he think he is trying to saboatge people in such underhand way and then cherry pic and distort things to his own ignorant viewpoint.


However ... Of course the tread had to be pulled... what the hell did people expect when they post bravado bullshit. Playing right into the hands of these numpties :no: You can bet with all their funding they will try and make an example of anyone or get the site pulled.


What makes it even more annying is that half the people spouting the bravado 'if i see him about i'll take a bat to him' crap are probably skinny, 9 stone soaking wet, keyboard hunting kiddies. Its not necessary.


Just my 2 cents :drink:

Edited by LocalYokel
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