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Rapist Killed By Girls Father Won't Face Charges

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A man won't face charges ,, after killing a man who he cought red handed raping his 5 year old daughter..   Seems fair to me   Forgot the link,,lol   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2408

Any Father would do the same in that situation. Fortunately over there, common sense prevails.

Anybody would do the same, I can't see you having much choice in it. Seeing something as heart breaking as a 40 something molesting your 5 year old daughter would leave you entirely in the hands of yo

Ironically it comes across that the father's remorse saved him from prosecution however it sounds like everyone was on his side and he was never going down.

I think that if it happened here I would like to think that he wouldn't do time due to him witnessing that horrific crime that no father hopes never happen never mind witness.

Life will be fairly difficult and think that it will affect the father more than the daughter, he is probably feeling massive guilt even though the rape wasn't his fault but at least he can tell his daughter he sorted it permanently and show her the b*****ds grave.


I have young daughters and shite meself for the future knowing the amount of scrum there are out there.

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The fact he'll be spared a legal battle is fantastic! Justice was served and he acted as anyone would expect, under the circumstances. However, smiley emoticons don't take away the fact his daughter suffered a brutal attack, and he witnessed it.


Let that sink in for a moment...

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Texas is a fabulous state. I love going to visit friends there. A few months ago, they came home to their farm to find 2 thieves rooting through their barn. Out comes my pals legally owned/carried gun, thieving scumbags leg it. Job done. Think if that happened here? You'd be arrested quick sharp for doing nothing more than protecting your property :blink: Now I know we have a different culture and attitude, and Texas is a bit 'wild west' but I can't help admire how common sense and justice sides with the law abiding citizen there.

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