trenchfoot 4,243 Posted September 12, 2013 Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 Anybody reading this tread would think that you do'nt like the police Cocker Quote Link to post
cocker 2,655 Posted September 12, 2013 Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 the one who pulled me and my mate old man coursing up, on the A1 with 3 dogs in the back of the car, and told us to have a nice day was ok 3 Quote Link to post
inan 841 Posted September 12, 2013 Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 typical mp who thinks he can get away with anything,he prefers the hares around a mans ring piece British MP charged with sex attacks on men I'll see this through to the end, says rape charge MP | This is Plymouth No doubt he will get to the bottom of it. 2 Quote Link to post
cocker 2,655 Posted September 12, 2013 Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 Anybody reading this tread would think that you do'nt like the police Cocker BBC News - Priest charged with child sex abuse i don't like any of the corrupt organisations mate, i like my mates who keep dogs, and go fishing, and who keep a few finches and chickens etc, who work to look after their families if chasing a hare makes them bad people what does that make the people i have highlighted, this country needs to get its priorities right 15 Quote Link to post
trenchfoot 4,243 Posted September 12, 2013 Report Share Posted September 12, 2013 Anybody reading this tread would think that you do'nt like the police Cocker BBC News - Priest charged with child sex abuse i don't like any of the corrupt organisations mate, i like my mates who keep dogs, and go fishing, and who keep a few finches and chickens etc, who work to look after their families if chasing a hare makes them bad people what does that make the people i have highlighted, this country needs to get its priorities right we will never see eye to eye, I don't have any finches at the moment but i agree, those corrupt barstewards need stringing up Quote Link to post
stubblebasher 150 Posted September 13, 2013 Report Share Posted September 13, 2013 Your a star cocker ! Can't understand why you haven't had a tap on the door yet though ? Or it kicked off !!! Quote Link to post
Bazil brush 474 Posted September 13, 2013 Report Share Posted September 13, 2013 Why? coz he's put some links up, it aint against the law, fuk the scummy c**ts.. 2 Quote Link to post
cocker 2,655 Posted September 13, 2013 Report Share Posted September 13, 2013 Your a star cocker ! Can't understand why you haven't had a tap on the door yet though ? Or it kicked off !!! Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1 Quote Link to post
cocker 2,655 Posted September 13, 2013 Report Share Posted September 13, 2013 no worries mate i havent said anything out of order, if i get a knock on the door i will just tell them that in my opinion the judges and magistrates are worse than the coppers and the mp,s the judges in the uk are that bad it might take you all night to read what they get up to, whilst they are not pissing about implementing operation galileo, 2007 report reveals 1,434 complaints against porn loving law chiefs ' JUDGES AND MAGISTRATES HAVE BEEN DOWNLOADING PORN the report says, and the Office of Judicial Complaints have actively sought to hide this and are refusing to come clean. OPERATION ORE exposed the fact that these judges and magistrates had been discovered by their IT experts carrying out undercover work not expressly trying to net in the judiciary. In fact, it came as a surprise to discover that the list of miscreants was so big. The Chancellor's Office claimed the list and its details were ' exempt' from the Information of Freedom Act? However, despite that, the Information Minister Richard Thomas forced the court regulators to admit that it exists even if names could not be published. He only took this course of action after several scandals involving judges came to his attention. So, secrecy wins again in the Judiciary -- as we have already said - many times. ' 170 Misbehaving Judges hide behind FOI Act Section 40 ' A challenge by the Guardian Newspaper who attempted to have judges named and shamed under the Freedom Of Information Act failed due to protectionism set up by the Legal Profession. A little piece of legislation slipped in to protect prying eyes and indeed the public, says they are exempt from any request for information on naughty or unlawful judges. And any details on those who misbehaved or were disciplined is to remain a secret? ' THE DRUNK AND DISORDERLY JUDGE ' JUDGE PAUL CARNEY spent three hours in a police cell after he was arrested for abusing bar staff at a hotel. He refused to leave and because he was denied another drink, the hotel called the police to deal with the situation, which they said ' was awkward with him being a Judge.' ' JUDGE WITH CHILD PORN ON HIS COMPUTER ' SENIOR CIRCUIT JUDGE DAVID SELWOOD was arrested by Hampshire Police on charges of having child pornography on his computer. This came about after it was discovered that a tip off said that his credit card was linked to having made payments to a child website. Judge Selwood presided over trials involving paedophiles and other sexual natures. He was often covering cases in the Portsmouth Crown Court, and was due to answer bail by appearing before Bow Street Magistrates Court. However, before that date could be met, he retired on health grounds and retired with a pension of £33,000 a year, and a lump sum of £74,250. The Lord Chancellor's Department said they had no legal powers to forfeit the pension, the case was later discontinued because it was said that he was unwell. ' JUDGE CHARGED WITH INDECENCY IN PUBLIC TOILETS ' DISTRICT COURT JUDGE RICHARD HOFFMAN confessed to having sex with another man when police raided the toilets in the King Street Bus Station in Wrexham. The Police said it was a notorious place for men and boys to meet up for sex or seeking it. ' We did not expect to find a Judge in our catch, especially as some colleagues see him regularly holding court at the Mold County Court. The North Wales Police declined to give any further information and the Judge was said to be on leave. ' THE CASE OF THE SPANKING JUDGE ' JUDGE MARTIN BOWLEY was questioned by police over his spanking and caning obsession with rent boy Philip Lafferty, Letters were produced with the headed notepaper of the QC's office in King's Bench Walk, London, saying - ' the consequences of your offence could mean another taste of the cane without padding ' and addressed to his naughty boy - Philip Lafferty,26. Judge Bowley quit his post after fresh allegations from his toy boy - Lafferty accused him of beginning the affair when he was just sixteen and under the legal limit. ' THE JUDGE AND THE RENT BOY ' CIRCUIT JUDGE GERALD PRICE QC is being investigated after he let his male escort Christopher Williams 25 sit on the bench and have access to three courts as ' a law student'. The 60 year-old Judge a father of two is accused of exposing his office to possible blackmail threats and bringing the court into disrepute. His nine month affair with the rent boy was discovered by officials who doubted the presence of the so called law student. He has been taken off all cases for the time being while investigations take place, which has been quoted ' at least a month '. The Judge normally attended Swansea Crown Court. ' THE DRINK/DRIVE JUDGE ' CHIEF CIRCUIT JUDGE VICTOR HALL was given a serious warning from the Lord Chancellor after the £91,000 a year Judge was caught drink/driving by police when they stopped his car in Leicester. Magistrates fined him £1,000 and disqualified him from driving. He was jeered at by people outside the court as he left, and is said to have offered to retire, but was suspended on full pay instead. ' JUDGE SWINDLES THE ELDERLY OUT OF £85,000 ' JUDGE RICHARD GREEN was jailed for three years at Lewes Crown Court after it was known that while he was a solicitor, he took £85,000 from clients' investment funds. He did this while he was a partner in the Law Firm of Barwell's in Seaford. The thefts committed were on elderly people around to 90, he had complete control over their money, and spent it on cars, luxury holidays and a yacht. Although Judge Green had made restitution, Judge John Gower said 'it is intolerable that somebody in your position should so abuse the trust you held.' ' JUDGE RUNS AWAY FROM SCENE OF ACCIDENT ' JUDGE VISCOUNT COLVILLE landed into trouble when he collided into two cars in Belgravia. It was heard that the Judge - also a circuit Judge in Maidstone, Kent -- went into the back of a diplomat's car which in turn hit a taxi. The Taxi driver said ' he knew full well heid been in an accident with both of us, but ran off down the road with me chasing him. I took the registration number of his vehicle and gave it to the police. When interviewed by the police, the Judge claimed he had not hit either car but scraped a bollard. He appeared before Horseferry Road Court and was fined £500 and given five penalty points on his driving licence. ' SENIOR JUDGE RESIGNS OVER MISCONDUCT AT TRIAL ' JUDGE FRANK CHAPMAN, presiding over a trial in the Birmingham Crown Court passed on information during the hearing to the Prosecutor Barrister Simon Davis that could help the failing prosecution case which was already costing the public purse more than £50,000. The message was on his voice mail, and as a result the trial was aborted. The Judge's forty year legal career collapsed in an instant and he quickly made the decision to retire instead of face complaints lodged. ' JUDGE RESIGNS AFTER DRINK/DRIVE CASE ' DEPUTY DISTRICT JUDGE ROBERT SMITH was convicted of drink/driving by magistrates. The judge from Whitby formally resigned after the case. ' JUDGE ACCUSED OF BIAS ' JUDGE - MR JUSTICE HENRIQUES was accused of bias towards the prosecution by Barrister Ronald Thwaites during the ' De Menzies Case'. The Barrister for the Defence said that the Judge was lacking in objectivity and very pro-prosecution that made a fair trial almost out of the question.' ' SPANKING JUDGE CAUGHT IN POLICE RAID ' A hearing at KNIGHTSBRIDGE CROWN COURT withheld the name of a Judge caught in a vice raid who had already paid his £100 for the spanking session only to find the police. The Judge was questioned by police at the scene and allowed to leave. The Owner of the parlour said ' The Judge was in a terrible state, the poor dear, he was one of our regulars.' 'NO CAR TAX JUDGE IS NOT CHARGED ' The Somerset Police stopped a vehicle in Bristol while on a ' crackdown on illegal cars and road tax dodgers' and found it belonged to a Judge. Detective Sergeant Bond said ' you wouldn't expect a Judge to check the licence disc would you? not on his Daimler.' After the stop check, they gave the Judge a police escort?? ' DRINK-DRIVE JUDGE RESIGNS AFTER SECOND OFFENCE ' JUDGE BRUCE MACMILLAN who presided over cases in the Liverpool Crown Court was arrested after being stopped twice by traffic cops in the same month. He was observed driving erratically on the M6 by the motorway patrol. He was first stopped in 2008 in August and then for a second time on September the 30th 2009 and was awaiting a court hearing concerning drink driving. The Judge decided to resign rather than be ordered to stand down. ' JUDGE SUED FOR LIBEL BY HER MOTHER ' JUDGE CONSTANCE BRISCOE was at the High Court being sued by her mother Carmen Briscoe-Mitchell after including a piece in her book which said ' that when her daughter brought home a school photograph her mother screamed and said - 'Jesus Christ, me give birth to that, Lord, sweet Lord, how comes she is so ugly? Ugly, Ugly' 'JUDGE ARRESTED --- JUDGE BRISCOE was arrested by police who would not divulge the charge. The Police redirected enquiries to the Office of Judicial Complaints. Kent Police would only confirm that an arrest was made. JUDGE BRISCOE CHARGED WITH PERVERTING THE COURSE OF JUSTICE -- 12th of June 2013. High Profile Female Judge Constance Briscoe is accused of lying to police a report says, in connection with the MP Chris Huhnes Case of speeding (he went to jail for lying). She was arrested in October 2012 and was suspended from the Judiciary, she is due to appear before Westminster Magistrates on the 24th of June 2013. It is stated that she was very unhappy with the decision to prosecute by the CPS who authorised the Kent and Essex Police to charge her on two counts of intending to pervert the course of justice. The two charges are in connection with the following: 1) that she knowingly gave an inaccurate statement 2) A copy of a witness statement that had been altered. ' JUDGE DISREGARDS LAW ' JUDGE HUMFREY MALINS was caught parking his car in a 'disabled drivers only' bay i50 yards away from the court in Isleworth. The Tory Judge who presides at the Crown Court actually said he parked in the bay rather a lot . Lorna Reith of Disability Alliance commented ' it is digraceful that this judge can flout the law in taking space reserved for someone disabled.' ' DRINK/DRIVE JUDGE JAILED AFTER CRASH ' DISTRICT JUDGE ANGUS MACARTHUR was jailed for 28 days and banned from driving for ten years. It was the third drink/driving offence of this judge, past offences resulted in being drunk in charge of a car when he was fined £300, and another offence when he was fined £3000 and banned from driving for two years. Macarthur was a judge in Nottingham, Northampton and Leicester. At the time of this offence he was a circuit judge for Peterborough. Besides jail he was fined £2,000 and had to pay £100 costs. The case was heard at Peterborough Magistrates Court. ' JUDGE FACING FRAUD CHARGES ESCAPES JUSTICE ' THIS IS THE STRANGE AND SUSPICIOUS CASE OF JUDGE RICHARD GEE who is currently enjoying a lavish lifestyle in the states. Back in 1998 he claimed sickness and was too stressed to face trial over a £1million mortgage scam. He then claimed the retirement pension of £500,000 a year, yet ran up the legal aid bill to £1million funding the trial that collapsed due to 'his stress and depression' -- and then he disappeared out of the country and headed to the U.S.A. Now in 2010 this judge has been tracked down in New York without stress or any depression, in fact he is fit and has wealthy investments and property - a nine bed roomed house on Rhode Island. This kind of thing certainly shows what it's like to have friends in high places (attorney General and Chancellor's Department) and to be able to move on when the heat turns up, and what about the mortgage fraud? well, that is now forgotten and the judiciary would prefer it it is confined to a locked cupboard. ' CROWN COURT JUDGE HAS JAIL TERM CUT OVER DRINKING OFFENCE ' JUDGE JOHN REEDER of Essex had his jail sentence of five months cut to two months on appeal it was stated. The judge who was five times over the drink/drive limit was put into solitary confinement for his own safety it is said. He crashed his Range Rover into another car and caused injury to the occupants. ' DRINK/DRIVE DEPUTY JUDGE IS BANNED FROM DRIVING ' JUDGE MICHAEL PARKER was fined £400 and disqualified from driving for twelve months by London Magistrates. He was twice the legal limit when he was stopped by officers who arrested him at the scene. ' JUDGE IN SEXUAL HARASSMENT ACCUSATIONS ' A COURT USHER RECEIVED COMPENSATION OF £15,000 after claiming she had been sexually harassed by JUDGE ANURA COORAY. Judge Cooray was accused of asking Maxine Coombes to show him her breasts and give him a rub down. The judge retired on the grounds of ill health. ' SMUGGLING JUDGE IS DISMISSED ' THE ONLY JUDGE EVER SACKED WAS JUDGE BRUCE CAMPBELL. The judge admitted to charges of smuggling whisky and cigarettes into Britain. ' DRINK/DRIVE JUDGE DEMOLISHES A WALL ' COUNTY COURT JUDGE LINDA LAZONBY was caught for the second time over drink/driving after her car smashed into a wall after a drinking session. Police said she was over three times the legal limit when they breathalysed her. She walked away from the court with two years probation, banned from driving but no fine was imposed? ' JUDGE BANNED FOR 3 YEARS ' DISTRICT JUDGE DAVID MESSENGER was banned from practising law for three years when it was found that the Scarborough Judge misused client money improperly at his law firm Messengers. It was given in evidence that he used the money for his own purposes after financial irregularities were found by investigators. He was also found guilty of being intoxicated too, he was ordered to pay £15,000 costs. ' JUDGE, SOLICITOR AND SIX CLERKS ARRESTED FOR FRAUD ' A CORRUPTION INVESTIGATION BEGAN INTO JUDGE DAVID TAPP, a solicitor and six court clerks over bribery in the profession. The Merseyside District Judge also the most senior magistrate on Merseyside was arrested with solicitor Kevin Dooley. The main focus of the investigation is centred on solicitor Kevin Dooley who is already under investigation for money laundering by the Law Society. It is suspected that court officials took inducements to to provide Dooley with preferential treatment at court, and that he involved the judge in his scheme. The Lord Chancellor ordered that the judge should be suspended -- the first judge to be so for five years. Dooley's Office was raided by the OSS - The Office for the Supervision of Solicitors because they suspected the solicitor of ' knowingly and dishonestly ' being involved in bank instrument fraud and money laundering. ' CONVICTED JUDGE SWEARS AND STORMS OUT OF COURT ' JUDGE BEATRICE BOLTON stormed out of Carlyle Magistrates Court after she was found guilty of failing to control her dangerous dog. During the two day trial she sat chewing gum and the usher had to ask her to stop. The Northumberland Judge and former Barrister, looked annoyed and stormed out at the decision saying she had no faith in the justice system? She later returned to the court when she had calmed down and was ordered to apologise for her outburst. The £140,000 a year judge was reported to the office for judicial complaints. JUDGE BOLTON IN TROUBLE AGAIN -- Police are investigating another incident concerning her dog and a postman, The Royal Mail are pressing ahead to put the judge in court again after witnesses saw the postman being attacked by a German Shepherd dog. Judge Bolton has such a dog called ' Georgie ' JUDGE ESCAPES JUSTICE -- JUDGE BEATRICE has gotten away with her behaviour a report now says, she was facing disciplinary action, but it now appears that the Office for Judicial Complaints dropped the matter because she has retired on medical grounds! The Newcastle Judge was fined £2,500 and ordered to pay compensation of £275 with £930 costs after she was convicted at Carlisle Magistrates Court. As we have shown and stated, they are well protected and can escape down a number of routes provided by the Lord Chancellor and Ministry of Justice. ' JUDGE IN COURT FOR ASSAULT ON HIS WIFE ' HIGH COURT JUDGE JAMES ALLEN QC appeared before Bradford Magistrates on a charge of assaulting his wife after she failed to cook him his dinner when he demanded it. The Judge was arrested by the West Yorkshire Police when he went to the police station. The prosecutor alleged that his version of events were a lie and that a phone call by an 8 year old girl in the house at the time semi recorded the events and row just a few yards away. The trial still continues at the time of this article. ' JUDGE APPEARS BEFORE COURT FOR INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR ' JUDGE MICHAEL WOOD has stood down after a female legal advisor accused the District Judge who presides in County Durham, of unacceptable sexual behaviour towards her. The Office of Judicial Complaints is investigating the allegations before action is taken. It appears that after some considerable time that this Judge has been given 'a reprimand' for the incident with his clerk.....and this is after a year for the Lord Chancellor's Office to decide on. In the meantime it is revealed that he received his £100,000 salary whilst not 'hearing cases' they said in a statement that the Judge's conduct had fallen below the standard of behaviour required of a judicial office? ' JUDGE'S WRONGDOINGS SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET ' JUDGE LINCOLN CRAWFORD quit in 2009 after losing a High Court challenge to suppress and hush up his conviction for harassment. 170 members of the Judiciary have been disciplined on the quiet for misconduct over ten years -- but the names are not known, and never will be as their identities are protected? The MP's said the names must be concealed as publicity could undermine the judge's authority and command in the courtroom! ' Deputy District Judge fails to suppress wrong-doing ' Essex Lawyer and Deputy District Judge Tom Harrison went to great lengths to prevent allegations of bullying at his own firm from being publicised by a locum solicitor. The locum revealed the information onto a website, and this was immediately challenged by Harrison who wanted it removed. However, the Solicitors Regulation Authority denied him this request and allowed the website to report in-house bullying in the profession. The locum worked at ADAMS HARRISON SOLICITORS in Essex where the bullying and malpractice occurred. The full story can be seen in ' featured lawyers ' ' Probe on Judge who made anti-Semitic remarks ' JUDGE GEORGE BATHURST-NORMAN is at the centre of an inquiry after a complaint was made about his conduct in court to the Office for Judicial Complaints. The judge at Hove Crown Court is accused of making an anti-Israel speech. Any disciplinary action will be decided after the office has made up its mind on its findings. ' Attempts to remove Inquiry Judge ' JUDGE PETER GIBSON -- 'the Torture Inquiry Judge' is accused of bias by a human rights group. The group says he is too closely linked with the Intelligence Services MI5 and MI6 to be fair and view the case in a proper way. In a letter to sent to the judge, Clive Smith of Reprieve said there was a danger of wrecking the inquiry because of bias, and in fairness to justice he really ought to be a witness instead of its judge. ' Former Employment Tribunal Judge gets community Order ' A RANTING, THREATENING FORMER JUDGE, ANDREA McWATT appeared before Manchester Magistrates after she broke a restraining order imposed at another hearing. It is said she carried out a terror campaign against her neighbours and threatened to kill them. In court it was said that the Judge made the young couple's lives unbearable. She admitted to breaching an order and was given a 12 month community order. ' THE JUDICIARY OUT TO GET STEPHEN WARD -- THE PROFUMO AFFAIR ' WE TURN BACK THE CLOCK TO LOOK AT A MAJOR '60'S SCANDAL THAT INVOLVED THE GOVERNMENT ENLISTING JUDICIAL POWER TO SILENCE THE MAN WHO BROUGHT DOWN A GOVERNMENT: LORD DENNING was a pioneer of justice to some, but in this case -- the case of Stephen Ward -- he turned to the dark side throwing away decency and fair play. Justice Denning didn't publish notes during the case and continually relied on one side, a minor side of the case making sure the government involvement was literally buried. He saw Stephen Ward as 'utterly immoral' and led the case firmly in the sexual area and Ward's relationship with Christine Keeler and providing contacts -- therefore referring to him as a 'pimp' who fixed up bondage and caning sessions for wealthy clients. Many times he took the court to focus on kinky behaviour, whips and canes like an obsession. Denning deliberately put his foot in the way of Ward's witnesses for the defence and refused to admit many who were willing to testify for Ward, despite them wanting to take the stand. Denning omitted and failed to read any rebuttal by the defence to accusations against Stephen Ward. Insiders at the Prosecution let it slip that all their concentration was on burying Ward and it had slipped their minds to read defence submissions? Denning was interested in tilting the scales in favour of having the majority of court witnesses against Ward, and he knew he could get away with it even if there was an inquiry later which with this case would never happen. Furthermore, Denning omitted to mention a statement by an MI5 Officer that would have been useful to Ward's defence. MR JUSTICE MARSHALL hated Stephen Ward right from the beginning because of the danger he posed to the British Government and judiciary -- his impartiality at the Court of Criminal Appeal was non existent as he alone played a major part in this serious miscarriage of justice. LORD CHIEF JUSTICE PARKER needed to close this scandal from being publicly aired as the Government were demanding him to sever the roots and kill the flourishing weed. Behind closed doors, the plot by the DPP and Government was activated fully all the way from having Stephen Ward arrested --- to the Magistrates Court, and finally to The Old Bailey -- the final act in this piece of judicial theatre. Luckily for Stephen Ward, he denied them a 'hanging' and bowed out in his own decided death --- thus denying the judiciary the perverted pleasure of having a 'live victim' to dangle and humiliate. (The John Profumo Case 1963 -- the fall of the government -- The Christine Keeler Spies and Sex Scandal) RELATED NEWS: JUDGES REFUSED TO BREAK THEIR CULTURE OF SECRECY - Jack Straw failed to open up the Family Courts to scrutiny because of suspicions of bias, injustice and the old pals act along with cronyism. He wanted the system to allow journalists to attend hearings, but the Judges want a ban on reporting to remain in place. ' A LAW UNTO THEMSELVES ' - MP. Liam Fox claims Judges are making the Law up and introducing new laws, and this is a real threat to democracy he says. MYSTERY SURROUNDS JUDGE ANDREW CHUBB'S DEATH -- Pathologists failed to agree over post-mortem findings on the Judge who died less than half an hour after asking his wife for a divorce. He was found dead after a fire in the garden shed, but Dr. Charlotte Fisher who carried out the examination suggested the death might have been before the fire. Although his wife was arrested afterwards, she released later without charge. BILL OF £8,000 A NIGHT FOR JUDGES IN LODGINGS -- A report says that it costs in the region of £8,000 a night to let the Judge stay near the Courthouse. A factfile produced says - In Norwich it costs £41,233.24 a week. In St.Albans it is £15,319.83 a week. In Reading it is £14,147.38 a week. In Worcester it is £11,070.48 a week. In Plawsworth it is £7,470.28 a week. In Maidstone it is £6,717.05. In Northampton it is £6,228.84. In Oxford it is £6,043.12. In Sheffield it is £5,853.02 a week. In Caernarfon it is £5,375.49. ' JUDGE'S UNFAIR RULING OVERRULED BY APPEAL JUDGES ' MRS. JUSTICE PARKER the Judge in a divorce case was found to have been biased towards the husband Mr. William Murphy in granting an extra £370,000 to be paid to his wife. Lord justice Thorpe heading the panel of three appeal judges said it was ' unfair to the husband' and that he should receive compensation and his legal costs. ' BIASED JUDGE SWAYED BY CORRUPT BENEFITS AGENCY ' DEPUTY DISTRICT JUDGE HARVEY broke procedure in allowing the Benefits Agency to lie and deceive in a Somerset County Case. The Agency reduced an amount without informing the claimant without regard to his circumstances and contrary to the rules and regulations of a fair hearing of the facts. Through their well versed and bent lawyer they were able to use the 'old pals' situation to their advantage with the judge. A witness in the proceedings stated that the judge and the Benefits Agency lawyer seemed on very good terms as he turned to leave the court? ' HIGH COURT JUDGE CLAIMS THAT BAD JUDGES ARE BEING APPOINTED ' Former High Court Judge Baroness Butler-Sloss has hit out at the judiciary claiming they are appointing bad judges to meet government targets. She went onto say that some of the judges being chosen are not amply qualified or capable to meet the targets of diversity that is now being thrown their way in modern cases. She made these comments while addressing a House of Lords debate to encourage more women to become judges or candidates for the position. She quoted that she knew a fellow judge who should have stuck to piano playing understating the need to get the right people for the job. Richard Barrymore our private detective gives us news from Scotland. ' Judges in corruption cover-up ' JUDGE LORD HAMILTON, JUDGE LORD GILL and JUDGE LORD CULLEN are actively ignoring reports that suggest that Scotland's Legal System is riddled with corruption. Accusations have been made that the Law Society stills guards it's secrecy as if it were policy. CULLEN is said to turn a blind eye when bent sheriff's break the rules and rule on cases where they have a vested interest. He is they say ' a grand master at hiding criminality and professional misconduct behind ambiguous legal judgements -- especially when clearing accused senior lawyers or firms accused of malpractice. ' Judge and Lawyers blamed for trial bias ' JUDGE SIR MAURICE DRAKE was accused of failing to secure a fair trial for James Robertson. The Court of Appeal heard how Judge Drake 'neutralized' an important defence point when there was gross inconsistencies between eye witnesses descriptions. It was stated that prosecution counsel operated without regard to the proper rules, and failed to ensure the the disclosure of fingerprints. Defence Counsel seemed ' patently not to have read documents provided, which shows a lack of proper legal administration. ' Judge under Investigation ' JUDGE ADRIAN SMITH is currently being investigated over certain judgements in cases he has presided over. The child rapist who he freed went onto to repeat his offences. Several cases have been cited from 2007 to 2009 and Lawyers complained about a trial held in private ordered by the judge. The best bit is that he is to be investigated by Baroness Scotland the Law Chief- Attorney General that is also featured on this page who has been fined for breaking the law? It can't get better than that eh? ' Judge and Senior Clerk in Damages Claim ' PART-TIME JUDGE ROGER STEWART is being sued by a fellow barrister in the firm over discrimination. Alsha Bijlani claims racial discrimination and denial of career opportunities by clerks went on at the top London firm headed by Mr. Stewart who is having an affair with senior clerk Lizzie Wiseman. She accuse them both of co-ordinating the discrimination against her. More of this case can be viewed in the 'Featured Lawyers' section. 'The Judge who turned a blind eye ' They claim Judges are fair and uphold the law, but one judge sitting at Southwark Crown Court did not. The case concerned an assault that happened at a Railway station just south of London, going on towards Brighton. A man was arrested at the scene for ' attacking a girl ' A trial date was set and the accused appeared in court. One man Mr. D. Botham was chosen for jury service, -- and as it happened -- he was on that particular train coming up from Brighton to London that pulled into the station seconds before the incident took place. From his carriage window he saw everything. He unmistakeably saw the accused man going to the defence of the girl who was being molested and assaulted by two youths, who ran off when the police arrived. Mr. Botham on seeing the accused in the dock at the beginning of the trial approached the court solicitor who said she could do nothing -- but told him that he should seek an immediate audience with the presiding judge. Mr. Botham felt sure he would be seen in the light of his eye-witness testimony which he told to the solicitor. Wanting to avert a miscarriage of justice he patiently waited, but nothing happened. He made another urgent appeal to the solicitor who went into see the judge, but his lordship denied him an audience. Mr. Botham feeling desperate tried to have himself taken off the jury, but this failed. He later, as the case proceeded, became aware that the police were determined to have this man convicted, because they had failed to get him on another occasion in the past as they already knew him? Mr. Botham was too frightened to tell his fellow jurors in case it all backfired on him -- perverting the course of justice or withholding evidence -- as he now felt the judge, solicitor and police would gang up on him, and he feared the outcome. So the jury never got to know they were trying an innocent man who got six months in prison for an offence he did not commit --- Mr. Botham was the only one who voted ' not guilty ' the others were duped and misled by the legal army who pretended to stand for justice? ' Case rejected over collusion by two judges ' DEFENDANT PAUL BLANCHARD accused judge MacDonald and Mr. Justice Mortimer of collusion when they discussed his case. Blanchard alleged that Judge Blofield turned down his appeal application after a telephone conversation with the other two judges. ' Judge comes in for more criticism ' JUDGE JULIAN HALL is no stranger to bad press, especially as one of his latest moves ended up with a released paedophile going on to raping a boy of ten. The judge allowed sex offender David Cullen to be on bail despite known previous as a charge in 1996 for molesting another boy. Before this move, the judge came under attack for inappropriate remarks in another case of Eric Cole who molested a girl. In another case he gave a paedophile a sentence that would mean the man would be free in four months -- after raping a ten-year-old girl. It appears that the 68 year-old judge needs to be put out to pasture, and soon. ' The Case of the callous uncaring Judge ' The true nature of a judge emerges when he at least expects it to, and in the case of THE HONOURABLE JUDGE SIR JOHN CHADWICK it did - beyond the facade of his court. Miss Macleod from Petersfield worked at his stables on his farm at East Meon, Hampshire. When she got pregnant he cut her wages to £25 a week from the agreed £90. Now the Judge earns £124,551 a year, but not only did he and his wife had the wage cut, but her lodgings provided in the deal ceased also and new baby and mother were given notice to leave - a week's notice. We think this is an excellent example of a judge who is out of touch with the world he judges, and a sad one that should be changed. ' THE JUDICIARY IN CONFLICT -- History tells of corruption ' RECORDS SUPPORTED BY HISTORY tell of the corrupt judges, Edward the first dismissed 2 out of 3 judges on The King's Bench and 4 out of 5 judges in the Court of Common Pleas. Sir William De Thorpe, Chief Justice was convicted of accepting bribes. Under similar charges Lord Chancellor Bacon was also convicted. Chancellor Macclesfield resigned after being convicted of selling offices in the Court of the Chancery. Lord Chancellor Westbury resigned after administration abuses and a bankruptcy that came to light. IN THE U.S.A. a Ohio Judge was jailed for corruption in 1980. IN 1986 GHANA SACKED TWO HIGH COURT JUDGES AND A CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR CORRUPTION, DRUNKENNESS AND INCOMPETENCE. ' THE CURIOUS CASE OF THE JUDGES AND COPS ' ROSELANE DRIZA exposed two judges -- after she found videos which showed him having sex with the other, both paid her £20,000 compensation not to reveal this. She was charged with blackmail and stealing the videos. There was a trial in which she was jailed for 33 months, the judge in the film retired quickly and disappeared, the other judge went into hiding, because she was seen taking cocaine in the film. Driza worked as a cleaner to the judge, and she threatened to report him to the Lord Chancellor because of the way he twisted things and had her arrested. She has now issued a writ for damages against the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson for malicious prosecution and false arrest. This comes after her conviction was overturned and quashed on appeal because the CPS say the main two witnesses -- the two judges, were too ill to give evidence? The case if it is made public, is set to throw quite a scare into the judiciary, police and CPS as it will reveal a web of sex and intrigue and cover up involving all three. ' Dithering Judges cause stress for couple ' WE HAVE APPEAL JUDGES - LORD JUSTICE LLOYD, LORD JUSTICE JACKSON and LORD JUSTICE PATTEN presiding over a boundary situation on the Isle of Wight -- in Newport Road. The stress now is on Harold and Victoria Gallop bought their property in 2005, only to find that the neighbour, Mr Steward is claiming the 157 foot strip of land that they have used as it was on their side on an old plans in the deeds. Much to their horror, Miss Recorder Miskin redrew the lines at the County Court giving it to Mr Steward. On top of this and the huge expense, the Appeal Judges reserved their ruling to an unspecified date in a casual uncaring manner leaving the couple in fear and continual stress. ' Judge compromised in Hacking case, but he still presides over it? ' JUDGES ARE NORMALLY TAKEN OFF CASES THEY HAVE HAD PRIOR CONTACT WITH, IN THAT THEY HAVE HAD SOCIAL EVENTS WITH ANY PERSON IN THAT CASE...However we have LORD JUSTICE LEVESON in charge of the legal proceedings concerning 'the phone hacking scandal ' involving Rupert Murdock. But it is now know that the judge attended two parties given by Mr. Murdoch in the past year. What we have here is a 'carve up ' -- a professional job of sabotage to end a case that embarrasses the police and judiciary -- and Judge Jolly opted for this possibly with some help from others? THE MAGISTRATES ' BOY FOUND IN MAGISTRATE'S HOTEL ROOM ' PHILIP HOWARTH J.P. and Public Schoolmaster, was arrested in a hotel room in Thailand whilst on holiday. Police were raiding places where they knew 'sex tourists' went. The Wolverhampton Magistrates J.P. denied having sex with the boy. He appeared before a court in Choburi charged with procuring a 14 year-old boy for sex and having indecent photos. ' BENEFIT CHEAT MAGISTRATE IS JAILED ' J.P. JOHN MEIGHAN was jailed for fifteen months after being found guilty of defrauding the Benefits Agency of £45,000 over a period of five years. He was convicted in Exeter Crown Court and pleaded guilty to making false claims while he was a sitting magistrate. Judge Graham Cottle said ' You knew what you were doing was dishonest and chose to disregard your position as a serving magistrate on the bench.' ' PAEDOPHILE MAGISTRATE IS JAILED ' CROYDON MAGISTRATE TERRY MILLS was jailed for 9 months following a police investigation that uncovered images of young children being sexually abused on Well's computer. Southwark Crown Court heard that Mills downloaded 190 indecent photos of young boys from an 'observed website' -- the Magistrate was arrested and his pc seized, the court found him guilty on 11 counts of making indecent images of children, and building up a library of child pornography. Mills claimed in his defence - that he was a victim of a ' fit-up' ' MAGISTRATE ALTERED CAR TO AVOID SPEEDING FINE ' MICHAEL RODGER J.P. consulted an internet site that told him how to avoid a charge by altering the vehicle's appearance. In a bid to save his wife from a fine, he went to extraordinary lengths to change the Skoda and told colleagues the car had been cloned by another person using a similar car. It all failed however, when the police recognised his wife and children. The fine would have been £60 and three points, but it all ended up with him and his wife being charged with perverting the course of justice. They were sentenced to 300 hours of community service and costs of £5,000. The Judge said they were lucky not being given a custodial sentence. ' ROAD RAGE MAGISTRATE LANDS IN COURT ' MAGISTRATE THOMAS ROGERS a Gloucester J.P. and Director of Bath College, flew into a rage when his car almost collided with a car belonging to Julie Richards. Rogers stopped his car in the middle of the carriageway blocking Julie Richards and got out and stood shouting at her. She took down the number of his sports car and police followed it up. Cheltenham Magistrates found him guilty of using threatening behaviour and fined him £500 with £120 costs. 'MAGISTRATE FACES JAIL OVER SEX ATTACK ON BOYS ' PORTSMOUTH MAGISTRATE HAROLD TOPE faced jail for a string of sex assaults on boys going over many years from 1960. At the Crown Court he pleaded guilty to 11 indecent assaults, three charges of serious sexual assaults on young boys. Altogether he pleaded guilty to 16 charges involving five boys. ' MAGISTRATE STEALS £664,000 FROM PENSION FUND ' SUREYA SADIQ J.P. took £664,000 in a pension fund scam after inventing eighteen retired workers. For nearly two years she was able to sign most of the pension cheques herself. The bogus names were supposed to have joined the council -- therefore entitled to a lump sum and regular payments. She was a magistrate with the London's South Western Magistrates Court. Judge Peter fingret said she was in gross breach of trust and sentenced her to 2 years in prison. ' DANGEROUS DRIVING MAGISTRATE FINED ' PHYLLIS WINN-JONES J.P. found herself in the dock after driving the wrong way in traffic by driving into traffic on the wrong side of a dual carriageway. She forced two cars to swerve off the road in fear of their lives. She was stopped and charged with careless driving at Cardiff Crown Court. She was fined £550 and disqualified from driving for six months. ' PORN MAGISTRATE RESIGNS ' WEST MIDLANDS MAGISTRATE DAVID WARD resigned from his post at the Sutton Coldfield Magistrates Court after a videotape showing DIY porn fell into the hands of a child. Police were called when after Ward videoed children on an outing he gave it to one of the parents little realising he'd forgotten to change tapes. ' MAGISTRATE JAILED OVER CANING GAMES WITH BOYS ' MAGISTRATE BASIL ELISTON was jailed for five years by St. Albans Crown Court charged with nine offences of indecently assaulting boys. Eliston was also Headmaster of a North London School. It was heard that he often persuaded boys to play fantasy games involving nude canings, bondage and ice cold baths. It was stated that he hoped 'gift' payments to the boys would ensure secrecy, and it was said he paid over £300 for this. He was tailed by Police and finally caught with one 15yr-old boy in his car at Whippendale Woods, Watford. Police raided his home and found pornographic magazines of boys along with a school cane and various ropes for bondage. ' MAGISTRATE IN CREDIT CARD FRAUD ' JP. ANTHONY HARLEY of Grays in Essex was ordered to do hours of community work and repay £850 he fraudulently obtained by using someone else's credit card. The bench required Mr. Harley to tender his immediate resignation. He was sacked from his job with Ford Motors where the offence was committed. 'MAGISTRATE JAILED FOR 2 YEARS FOR SEX AGAINST BOYS ' ALAN PRESCOTT WAS A SENIOR MAGISTRATE at his local court, he was also described as 'a pillar of the Community' by those who knew him. His other job was superintendent at an East London Care Home for Boys where he molested boys. After his arrest he appeared in court and was found guilty of molesting four teenage boys as they slept in their beds. He was sentenced to two years in jail. ' MAGISTRATE SHAMED BY ILLEGAL EVICTION TACTICS ' MAGISTRATE STEPHANIE LIPPIATT, a JP for twenty years appeared before Croydon Crown Court on charges of criminal damage and illegal eviction. She and friend, Victor Hawes smashed up furniture belonging to tenant, Maria Percec and threw it into the street. The J.P. who owns eight properties in the South London area was fined £2,000 for the illegal eviction and £250 for criminal damage. She was ordered to pay costs and she was suspended from her duties on the bench at Kingston Magistrates Court. ' MAGISTRATE JAILED OVER CHILD PORN ' BRISTOL MAGISTRATE GEOFFREY BOTLEY was finally jailed after he was found guilty of viewing and collecting child pornography on his computer. The court sentenced him to six months, saying it was an act that destroyed his reputation and put the legal profession in a position that could not be tolerated, he was also dismissed from the bench. ' MAGISTRATES IN JAILING ERROR ' A BENCH CHAIRED BY JOAN LUCAS J.P. was given short thrift by a High Court Judge after it was discovered they had broke legal principles in jailing two women. He ordered costs of £3,000 for each women to be paid personally by the magistrates each. One jailed woman 71, Elizabeth Jack was on income support and had to use a Zimmer frame. She had been sentenced to 90 days over none payment of council tax. The other woman, Alison Christian 31, single parent, was jailed for 28 days over non payment of council tax by the same magistrates. It was found that both women had not been served with a proper notice of default or knew that they had been sentenced in their absence. No warrant was issued for them to appear at court said the Judge, ' these magistrates committed so many breaches of appropriate principles of law ' THE JUDGE CONDEMNED THE DONCASTER MAGISTRATES COURT IN YORKSHIRE FOR USING THE COUNCIL TAX NON PAYMENT TOTALLY INCORRECTLY. ' MAGISTRATE WHO SPANKS BOYS RESIGNS FROM BENCH ' MAGISTRATE CHARLES GUTTMAN resigned after it was discovered he posted adverts offering discipline to students. The JP who once held a position at Dulwich College Preparatory School in South London often sat while juvenile cases were being heard. Guttman offered academic training, and preferred boys to be in shorts and vest. They were put through P.E. had cold showers and given the slipper or cane throughout the evening or afternoon. Boys booked in and went to his flat for lessons in Belsize Park near Hampstead, London. ' MAGISTRATE GOES TO JAIL OVER TODDLER'S DEATH ' MAGISTRATE RASHPAL CHANA once awarded by the Queen, was convicted of manslaughter and sentence to four and half years in jail at Nottingham Crown Court. A jury was told that he was involved in the scalding of a two year old child. Although Chana was not in the bathroom when the incident took place, he had a duty of care as it happened in his house and the mother was his girlfriend. His career on the bench was said to be over by his defence counsel when the guilty verdict was announced. The judge said the incident that led to the child's death was completely avoidable and Chana was grotesquely negligent. ' CANNABIS CONFESSION MAGISTRATE IS DISMISSED ' MAGISTRATE SARAH McDONAGH found herself in the 'dock' as she let it be known that some of her relatives smoked cannabis. The magistrate who sat on the benches at Chichester and Worthing in West Sussex said she wished she hadn't seen a family member openly smoking the drug. Being 'upfront' has now cost her the position she says, they said I was not allowed to sit on the bench while inquires were ongoing...but a decision sealed things when she heard they decided she had demonstrated a lack of judgement. The magistrate who's husband is a retired policeman said she had suffered stress since being suspended and awaiting the outcome. ' FORMER MAGISTRATE JAILED FOR £1 MILLION VAT FRAUD ' Former MAGISTRATE SIMON PRICE who was on the bench for 6 years and attended courts in Lancashire and Gloucester, pleaded guilty to twenty-seven counts of VAT Fraud, and falsifying documents, when he appeared before The Bolton Magistrates Court on the 28th of May 2013. He was jailed, but the length of the sentence was not given at the time of the article. ' An unnamed Magistrate in the Juvenile Court is interviewed over child porn ' THE GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE confirmed they took a man in for questioning over possessing indecent images of children on his computer. The Magistrate who sat on the bench of the Juvenile court for nine years was not named and was said to be under investigation. ' Freemasonry among magistrates -- only 1 in 7 admit it ' A SURVEY REVEALED THAT A 1000 J.P.s admitted to being in the freemasons - the secret brotherhood that mingles and influences the legal profession. 867 refused to respond to the survey despite Government figures showing that 400,000 men belong to various lodges. A Commons Committee expressed concern over the large proportion of men in the service delivery summary justice were in the Masons. ' JP Reveals system let-offs - cautioned only ' MORE THAN 7,000 DEFENDANTS ARE CAUTIONED, AND SOME UP TO TEN TIMES -- This was revealed at a Manchester branch of bench JP's. Many are now cautioned by the Police only and therefore avoid going to court absolutely, and there can be up to ten cautions given before court action is applied. It was revealed that the courts are less busy now because of this. The JP revealed that many can go unpunished and unpublicised, which in turn helps the government figures? ' Judicial Complaints rise to 1,600 ' COMPLAINTS AGAINST THE JUDICIARY in 2011 were up to 1,600 citing anger at officials and dissatisfaction with rulings, which could not be taken on by the Judicial Complaints Service....this amounted to 54 percent of lodged complaints. The remaining 46 percent were about misconduct, of these disciplinary action was taken against those involved (sixty-four cases). ' PROBATION OFFICER IS JAILED FOR CHILD PORN OFFENCE ' VINCENT BARRON, PROBATION CHIEF OVER SEX OFFENDER DATABASE was jailed for two years after 3,800 indecent images of children were found on his computer. The former probation officer at Bishop Auckland in County Durham was convicted of distributing indecent images of children and found himself on the register he once looked at while working at the Home Office. ' COMPLAINING ABOUT A COURT? - A WASTE OF TIME ' A Court Insider at The HMCS told me that although they do contract an outside company to do a survey on its performance among those that have volunteered their names and other sources within the administration, the whole thing is rigged. 'We are told not to acknowledge the complaints as much as the ones that make it look as if everything is working fine within the system. There is a special body of around three to four people in each area who discuss these things, but they are fed the right stuff so-to-speak. Of course, there are some low level complaints in there to satisfy the conditions, otherwise it would look strange and that would attract suspicion. But no one I know is prepared to investigate a 'real' complaint as that could lead to things being unearthed and questions that could cause a scandal -- we have had a couple over the years that slipped through, and they have been dealt with? in our way.' he said. ' THE LAW SOCIETY, THE SOCIETY COUNCIL, MALPRACTICE AND FREEMASONS ' In this section we will feature two cases of corruption within the legal profession and show links with the Freemasons that colluded to make the outcome favourable to their members. THE LAW SOCIETY is one of the most powerful masonic institutions in the world, it has reign over the DWP and decides who should be awarded legal aid, and this is still so no matter how many departments they invent to cover this up. The majority, and that goes for ninety per cent, of the Law Society Council and staff, are all ardent Freemason members. They make big claims of not interfering in matters of legality or being able to sway opinion in important matters, but they can and do. One solicitor we know had so little business, and at the time he was a non member, applied to join, and within a short space of time he suddenly faced lots of business being put his way, often too much, but later when he withdrew from being a full member, he virtually lost all of this new business, -- it vanished as quickly as it had arrived?? CASE 1. This actually caused notoriety among solicitors as a whole because it could not be contained. It featured a mason, a member of the 60 strong Society Council. The un-named (secrecy) member committed an act of gross negligence and caused one of his clients to lose a £100,000 inheritance. This brought about deliberate collusion involving several other law firms of solicitors (Freemasons) in a cover-up. They actively brought the client to near ruin, as he mistakenly thought hiring other lawyers would get him compensation and justice. The new solicitors deliberately ignored his instructions, wasted time and made every attempt to close his case. CASE 2. This involved a Senior Solicitor in a Law Firm. The Litigation Lawyer suddenly had to take an emergency leave of absence thus causing the firm to appoint some other solicitor to handle paperwork and claims for the time being until he returned. Unfortunately they did not see the mistake of letting a non member of the Freemasons loose on this matter. The new solicitor in charge found to his horror that the other solicitor was engaged in corruption on a huge scale within the firm. The files and paperwork clearly showed that the solicitor, acting in case after case on behalf of the clients seeking compensation from insurance companies, was in league with the insurers. He settled out of court each time for sums much lower than he and the insurers knew could be won. In recognition of this arrangement, he received a personal ' under the counter ' bonus thus making his actions a deliberate malpractice. Foolishly, the solicitor made this find known to colleagues within the firm and found himself dismissed when the senior member of the firm returned. CASE 3. This was a case being held in the Family Court and concerned the issue of custody. The Solicitor and Judge were known to each other and attended the same Lodge. His case was fairly thin and he was in the process of having to concede when the Judge stepped in and challenged the other side on points which he already knew concerning the couple. As a result of their link the inept solicitor won. ' Collusion between Judge and Lawyers ' The solicitors for MPower decided the best way to prevent demonstrations was to use the law in a secretive and heavy-handed manner. Without the thought of fairness, always said to exist in British Law under that banner ' Justice for all' the corrupt solicitors obtained an injunction without the other party being represented, and the judge allowed it purely on the one-sided say so of these MPower solicitors who also claimed they could not have their photos taken. One should look into their dealings and uncover their fraud and false statements, false accounting, expenses and double-dealings. Threatening innocent people seems to be something the lawyers enjoy. ' A bunch of useless solicitors and a frustrated client ' Miss Helliwell of North London suffered an accident when she was hit by a vehicle on a pedestrian crossing. The court found the driver guilty and suggested Miss H. contact a lawyer for compensation. Miss H. suffered a broken leg and other abrasions. She contacted a local solicitor who at first seemed keen and willing to solve this case. Two years later he suddenly retired and left miss H. to secure another lawyer, at no time did he inform her there was a time limit to any claim. She was urged to see a major city firm of solicitors who specialized in litigation. The case was handled awfully and no progress was made in respect of the compensation. A third solicitor took it over and as a consequence, papers were lost and after billing by all three, Miss H. received her file as it became obvious it was going nowhere and no progress to compensation was being achieved. She tried to get answers but the solicitors ignored her requests for answers. She paid out continually to these solicitors for five years, which resulted in miss H. despising solicitors in general --- they had failed her. Miss H. finally got compensation through the efforts of a local neighbourhood advice centre by someone who thought about contacting the insurers, Sun Alliance, who actually wanted to close this claim. None of the three solicitors thought about actually talking to Sun Alliance, it just took three weeks to get a settlement -- not five years. ' Ministry of Justice to be sued by Magistrate over Victimisation ' IRIS JOSIAH a black magistrate made allegations that too many other magistrates were unfair against black defendants in Enfield, North London. She said it was unfair practice and that it amounted to a culture convicting black people on slim or no evidence. She said she was unlawfully suspended by court bosses after she began to make her concerns public. A tribunal upheld her claim that ministry of justice used victimisation in order to silence her claims of 'racist magistrates'. She is claiming £75,000 in damages for the unfair dismissal. ' Attorney General in controversy regarding illegal immigrant ' A recent news brief has revealed that Baroness Scotland the Attorney General employed an illegal immigrant. The top law officer has of course had supporting ' not really responsible ' being uttered by the government. Yet she oversees all indictments and prosecutions etc, but as usual she is not to blame in this case. The Senior Law Officer has been accused of going against her own rules and guidelines. and we have that familiar line tramped out by all lawyers ' done in good faith ' which is a defence we mortals have to accept without question, but we cannot use it --- according to their courts. Patricia Scotland is certainly well insured from within the judiciary. It was a breach of law, but one that will be side-stepped and no-one will be held or charged, that conclusion is very obvious to many people who watch how this system that looks after its own. BREACHING THE TAX RULES has also been levied against the Attorney General Baroness Scotland. The illegal worker claims that her 'employer' flouted tax laws. There was no formal contract of employment or wage slips in her case, and when the Government came under fire for 'the expenses fiddle' Baroness Scotland got worried and tried to cover herself with the authorities and, the Inland Revenue refuse to comment? with her department rallying behind to fend off any other attacks. ANOTHER report on this case accuses the Law Chief of failing to check the status of the cleaner. It is stated that at no time during her employment did LADY SCOTLAND ATTORNEY GENERAL ask to see documents regarding immigration or employment status. ' Ambulance chasing lawyers to be curbed by Judges in new move ' NO WIN, NO FEE LAWYERS who earn vast money out of compensation claims could be forced out by judges who are demanding reforms in this area. LORD JUSTICE JACKSON has called on ministers to review civil litigation costs and instigate reforms that will restrict the way firms make fortunes out of accident cases and simple litigation claims. 'COURT DATA NOT SAFE IN COURT HANDS ' TWO CASES HAVE EMERGED CONCERNING COURT BLUNDERS - The Isle of Wight County Court came into criticism over breaching the data protection act, an act they continually tell others to conform to when dealing with confidential information. Sue Trafford who lives in Lea Road, Lake received 14 pages of bank statements and other personal details concerning a Shanklin woman sent to her by the Court. The Court responded off hand by telling her just to pop them back into the post? THIS HAPPENED AGAIN, concerning Lorraine Mills who received the 14 pages from Sue Trafford who did not post the confidential material. It transpired that other documents concerning benefit information etc had also been sent by the court concerning her -- to someone else, -- gone missing? Lorraine Mills has has to change her bank accounts ant take out insurance over this blunder. The Court could only respond by saying they were looking into the matter? ' Sick Judge with power mad ideas - Saudi Style ' JUDGES are a law unto themselves, and they have more or less positioned themselves to be bullet-proof in just about every country, unless a dictator wants to claim ultimate power, which means no room for the judiciary as it was in some other news many months ago when a supreme judge was removed and others jailed or just fled. No, here we have that crazy prehistoric bunch, the Saudis. It appears on the news front that a judge has asked several hospitals to deliberately cripple a man, maybe not a nice man, - granted, but a man who already served a 14 month sentence for his crime of assault. This ancient backward power mad region are a sad vision of being stuck in the past. They cannot move forward and have more wars than anywhere else, and that is mainly down to religious fervour and fanatics. Now they bay for old Islamic law and barbaric punishment -- something they are quite good at, and little else. They do have one major hold over the west, they have oil, and the west cannot upset them or dare to, it's all down to politics and looking the other way. ' Judges move towards the creation of insidious privacy laws to protect the wealthy ' It has now become an absolute fact that many judges are acting against the public interest in favour of granting protection for the wealthy. Recent gagging orders issued by judges such as the two wealthy footballers who crave publicity if it's in their favour, want unfavourable comments stopped, and stopped by legal means, and they have the money to buy this. These injunctions are to stop 'misdemeanours being exposed, identities and secrets they'd rather the public were not aware of --- until they have enough cash to retire on and they are no longer A class public interest. The attacks and attempts to take away the freedom of expression by any means fair or foul and make it weak have been many, and lawyers and judges have played their part in trying to alter the way in which the law interprets them. There is little opposition to judges, government and lawyers making moves to water down agreed law that they announced in pre-election propaganda was openness being given to the public with rights -- rights now they are determined to curtail. ' Judge's holiday home used in rape offence ' Handyman employed by JUDGE JOHN DENNISS who sits in a West London Court, used the holiday house to commit an act of rape with another man. James Manchin and John Barrett took two young girls to the judge's house where they were raped. ' Shot Barrister's wife in affair with Judge ' Revelations report that shot barrister's wife Elizabeth Saunders is having an affair with JUDGE MOSTYN, a High Court Judge. Sir Nicholas Mostyn caused devastation for his wife who does not want her marriage to end over the affair. The judge moved out of the family home and sources say he is expected to pay several million pounds in a divorce settlement. ' Judges complain about suggestion to contribute to their pensions ' THE AFFLUENT PRIVILEGED JUDGES have enjoyed 'non-contributory ' pensions for a long time, and the moment that it is suggested they contribute to them, just like normal folk, they flip their wigs and cry out that they are special? Lord Falconer is one such judge who is heading a campaign to revolt against any changes to their huge pensions --- paid by the public I may add. It appears they have been down this road before in order to protect their selfish greed and managed to avoid a contribution scheme in 1931. They claimed it was a threat to their independence? ' Judges make 333 orders to keep public from knowing ' In just five years the state of secrecy within the courts has led to 333 gagging orders being put into place to prevent the public from gaining information, the judges and the rich do not want the public to know about. It also came about that no accurate records are being kept in relation to these orders and calls were made to the Ministry of Justice to start implementing a proper system one would expect in the legal profession who admonish quite readily, witnesses, defendants and others who do not, but when it comes to judges?? John Wittingdale the chairman of Culture, Media and Sport said ' we need to know how many injunctions are granted and to know the extent of ' privacy creep ' is within the courts. ' Amoral Judges, shameless celebrities and a Britain that's coming close to a Police State -- was the headlines to one article in the press --- and it may be nearer the mark nowadays ' Judges have immense power and little accountability, and that's a fact that cannot be denied-- even they of course do. The state of judgements and Justice is a farce and many judgements do not make much sense in the UK and have the feel of contradiction running through them. Common sense went out long ago in favour of Lawyers presenting cases in such a way that they make it up as they go along and then claim it is within the legal interpretation as set out in the case law citing that these situations must be looked at under those merits expressed by the court in 1700 and so or 1893 or so, pulling out all manner of ridiculous wordings and views which no longer relate to the year 2000 and beyond. Much has been altered and passed down from Strasburg and European directives, and what have we got now? European Secrecy Law, No rights to challenge, stupid privacy misinterpretation and defamation and libel cases that feed the compensation culture where lawyers stand to gain the most. ' Secret Courts are not a thing of imagination ' THE PRACTICE OF SECRET COURTS have been going on years, yet not realised that well by the public. The secret hearings are used for covering up police indiscretions and MP matters sometimes. We now have a recent report on Judiciary Secret Hearings concerning large payouts paid out in compensation to terror suspects who have been wrongly held. Several cases are going through this secret court situation at the present and total 16 of such. It is claimed by the MI5 and MI6 that operatives suffer the inability to defend themselves in the actions in public because they cannot compromise national security? pull the other one Cameron, it's more to do with what nasty things like torture and other misconduct being revealed. ' Judge accused of 'Whitewash' sides with the USA over extradition ' Fury erupted as 'Whitewash' JUDGE LORD JUSTICE SCOTT BAKER spends a week in the USA being wined and dined by Advocacy Officials attached to the US Government who want the extradition of Brits on their terms at any cost. One of the Brits they badly want is Gary McKinnon who hacked into NASA and the Pentagon database several years ago from the shores of Britain. Since then the Americans have flexed their muscles in an attempt to demand that he faces a US court. Attempts to prevent this by his lawyers have so far halted the process, but this move to have Justice Scott Baker over in the US has been seen as 'American Leverage' by the family of McKinnon especially as it has now been revealed that Lord Justice Baker has not even met the accused or knows what the case has other than he tries to make out that the extradition rules look fair, yet many say that it is bias and loaded for the Americans as usual!! ' Secret Justice to cover 'illegal Operations of UK ' CASES HEARD IN CAMERA are said to be increasing as the Law is continually pressing for the protection of serving officers with the covert operations in police and the MI5 and MI6 departments uneasy about what the public may learn at a trial. Court cases behind closed doors is not new, not even in some of the Magistrates courts, but little is known about it. Even Lawyers in charge of 'Secret Justice' are making their opinions known as the government plan to widen their use. They say there is a huge doubt on the claims that these proposals are vital to protect Britain's Intelligence relations with America. They say this is a departure from the recognised 'natural justice' that Britain uses as a cherished principle. Yet, Kenneth Clarke, the Justice Secretary argues that this is necessary to reassure Washington that sensitive Intelligence shared will not be publicly disclosed. This is said to be a bad deal for 'torture subjects' who would not be able to point their fingers at the one who did it, or what department ordered it to be done. Some Human Rights Lawyers and Activists say that this move is just a 'charter for cover-ups' in the services and government, which amounts to an abuse of power. THE GOVERNMENT are saying only 'security cleared lawyers' will attend a closed court, and they would be known as 'special advocates' and would represent clients without being allowed to discuss the evidence with them? They claim it is already being used in deportation cases which involve National Security. A total of 69 such legal eagles are currently these advocates. These proposals have come about because of Binyam Mohammed, who with other Guantanamo Bay prisoners are suing the governments for complicity in their torture. The governments of the UK and USA fear that Security Officials might be forced to had over secret intelligence and sensitive information thus forcing them to concede the case and pay damages up to £1 million per case. 'A Rotten Judiciary can only do this ' BRITAIN CLAIMS IT IS FAIR IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM...But jailing a man for six years who refused to wear clothes is travesty and inhumane act that they should be ashamed of. Naked Rambler and ex-serviceman - Royal Marine - Stephen Gough has been thrown in jail and convicted 17 times for not wearing clothes and refusing to do so. The Judiciary say he committed a breach of the peace -- contempt of court -- and disobeyed court orders.....and called these things a crime! He has spent years in solitary confinement...and been re-arrested several times and then thrown back in all started in 2006....and since then he has been detained and imprisoned for not wearing clothes! Any society who can jail a man for his beliefs is a society riddled with corruption and a legal system that should be abolished. ' Judges are being given absolute rights to allow secret trials ' A REPORT has said that Judges will decide on the criteria for 'secret trials' and not Ministers. Allowing these trials to be heard behind 'closed doors' has angered some MP's who believe that Justice should be seen to be done in order that it proves that fair play prevailed. Some said 'English Law which guarantees that proceedings take place in public is being undermined' ' Judge jails woman in secrecy allowed by the State ' LUCKILY THESE DAYS THE OPPRESSIVE ROLE OF THE JUDICIARY IS BEING FOUND OUT: Such as it was in the case of Wanda Maddocks who was jailed without a trial or due process (completely denied by the Government of the UK that says everyone is allowed justice). Strangely enough too, The Human Rights Act that Britain pretends to ascribe to is said to guarantee everybody the right to a fair trial etc................but here we have JUDGE MARTIN CARDINAL able to use supreme power over any other law to jail the woman and incarcerate her in Foston Hall Prison, Derby, for a period of six weeks (which was originally a five month sentence). (Strangely enough one finds this kind of thing in places like Singapore and equally restrictive and dictator regimes where it is the norm) The UK pretends to be the Best Justice in the World.....but if one looks at the way the Empire was built, think again. As to accessories and cohorts expected in a thing of this sort we have a council!...........who would have guessed? Stoke-on-Trent City Council to be exact, they assisted and made the applications. It seems that Judge Cardinal is willing to engage in 'The Secret Trial' type of thing when his brethren are on the other hand prepared to assist another council keep a kidnapped child and snub International Law and a warrant from Belgium (in the Nigel Cooper Case). It also highlights that there is little if no transparency in the Family Courts Justice System. The court and State actually banned the Press and anyone else by issuing 'a gagging order' -- yes....issued again by 'The Untouchables, only made known ( Mrs Maddocks) on her release............... and furthermore she was allowed no representation. In connection with the above, it has been revealed that 'a secret court is controlling £2 billion of assets of the people who have dementia, mentally impaired and elderly. THE COURT OF PROTECTION holds these assets of 16,000 vulnerable people. COURT OF PROTECTION to be scrutinized, especially in the light of the secret jailing of Mrs Maddocks. The case has alarmed the general public, mainly because they didn't believe it could happen in Britain......Chris Grayling of the Government is to examine the sweeping powers given to these courts in 2007 (by Labour), as the court is not required to allow the Press or members of the public to be present or listen to the proceedings (and still routinely excludes observers). The Justice Secretary has ordered an urgent review. ' History and Queen Anne made judges above the Law ' Many people wonder why Judges have so much power? It's all because of 'The Act of Settlement' which said that a judge could remain in his job so long as he remained of 'good behaviour'.....another rule was that he shouldn't be criticised in The Houses of Parliament or House of Lords (except on a formal resolution for his removal). Judges cannot be sued for Slander in regard to anything they may say on the bench; whatever a judge says in court he is absolutely protected from adverse comment. Judge's may also commit a person to prison for 'contempt of court' if that person publicly attempts to censure a judge's conduct of a case. The only other resort to removing a judge is applying to The Office of The Crown.........The King or Queen. THE CROWN is also responsible for handing out other 'protections' to the non-peasants, just as they did in times gone by. The Crown give 'immunity' to Council Authorities, their (Civil) servants, in order that they cannot be removed in tricky situations, such as keeping data and information that might prove embarrassing if made public (or doing nasty things) and that they can impose 'gagging' orders by misusing 'in the public interest' situations to their own advantage. Council Lawyers are allowed to freely interpret rules and law and threaten wherever long as it meets the criteria of the job description....and is seen as 'acting for the Authority and State' (by guess who? -- the Judiciary) THE CROWN also took upon itself to allow Lawyers and Barristers to benefit from 'Qualified Privilege' which protects them from certain actions that could normally put 'the peasant' in court. They have immunity from slander and libel in most cases barring a 'real criminal intent' to commit a crime.....they are allowed to issue threats so long as it cannot be interpreted as menacing in the view of (guess who?) the judiciary. NB: It's all a neat little package to keep 'the peasants' in their place, and show them who's boss! ' Legal aid Bill Cover-Up by Judiciary ' Officials are not prepared to reveal what the cost of the legal aid bill is regarding two incarcerated criminals in the Stephen Lawrence case. Dobson and Norris, currently serving jail terms have filed for legal aid for their defence costs and appeals, which is thought to be anything around a million pounds. Despite Freedom of Information Requests, and complaints by some solicitors, the Legal Services Commission blocked the request asking how much the taxpayer had spent on the two men's legal bills, which resulted in the last appeal being turned down. The Lawyers said there was a clear public interest in the disclosure of information pertaining to how much legal aid was awarded to convicted criminals.........but the judiciary obviously disagree? ' Judge admits to having taken the wrong decision ' THE DECISION TO SEND A BURGLAR TO JAIL resulted in the same burglar (Steffan Jackson) doing another burglary eleven days later. JUDGE SCOTT WOLSTENHOLME spared the man from a prison sentence and gave the 18yr old a community order. The Judge said 'he had been foolishly optimistic' in dealing with Jackson, but presiding again at Leeds Crown Court, he sentenced the 'repeat offender' Jackson to a Young Offenders Institution for a period of four would be a good thing if other judges admitted their 'errors' 'The Judge, The Cop, and a case of Child abuse ' The Judge was thought to be Justice Harold Godwin (but has been labelled judge X by the IPCC) despite Internet blog already mentioning his name. Then we have the Policeman, Chief Constable Terry Grange of the Dyfed Powys Police in Wales, close friend of the judge it is alleged. Thirdly, we have Lady Leslie Cooper, former wife to the judge. She made complaints to the police via Grange of her husband's interest in young girls (he was helping to put into care). She mistakenly asked Grange to check out the Judge's computer, but he refused. She then appeared on a Welsh TV programme 'Wales this Week' in 2008, to tell the watchers about the situation. She was interviewed by Bruce Kennedy and Paddy French, who were both later sacked (lost their jobs)..... It also turned out that Chief Constable Grange had caused an uproar when he appeared in the newspapers suggesting that the age of consent should be lowered to 12yrs! the public were outraged, and Grange quietly faded into the background. Lady Cooper then forced her way into Grange's house pushing aside the agent and locked herself in, and before being ejected, took photos of 'soft toys on the bed' suggesting that this room was for children! Grange is now deceased, and the Dyfed Powys Police remain silent and uncooperative on the issue of Grange and the Judge. The IPCC have ordered a review into the case, and came to no conclusion on the validity of Lady Cooper's allegations surrounding Grange and her former husband, who denies the entire thing. But they have ordered the Dyfed Powys Police to re-open the case, initially in order to establish whether the former wife's complaints about the original inquiry were properly handled -- the Police said that a new investigating officer has been appointed (2012).......and there it ends for now. MORE TO COME: 1 Quote Link to post
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