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Early Titan Air Rifle ??

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Picked up what im told is an early titan air rifle. Got it from father in laws grandad who did alot of shooting in 80/90s. From what hes told me he bought it about 20 yrs ago. Gun has just been stored in gun cabinet for most of that time id say as is in good condition. Odd mark here and there but as expected from a 20yr old gun.

I was wondering what kind of value these make these days as i cant get on with single shot loading system. Ill put some pics up tomorrow as im on my phone right now .

Still shoots spot on and ive put about 25 pellets through it this afternoon. Its fitted with a tasco 4-16-40 rifle scope. Any info be great. Cheers lads. Atb keith

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It's the titan version of the falcon fn19 isn't it? Saw one in my local gunshop for 295 recently, and seriously thought about getting it myself. I've recently bought a falcon fn19 and it's an excellent little rifle, very accurate indeed. The titans,i believe, were supposed to be even better.

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yes it is so im told pal. Shoots well and to be honest im fond of it. But it will only sit in cabinet and not get used so it has to go. Also used to have fn19 but couldnt really compare as mine was 28ftlb fn19 and that was a tool.

Thanks for info lads. Cheers keith

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