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With Hindsight What Job Would You Have Done If You Could Turn Back Time???

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wouldnt change my profession... i went into it because i enjoyed it and still do, wasted some money over the years because of it and made a real big mistake when i gave it up to move to NI , been going from temp job to temp job since ...

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That sentence is seriously incriminating................

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Professional surfer... :yes:

. Fook me bo need a big malibu for you brother


Longboards R Us...!!! :yes::D



im on an 8 foot cortez mal at the minute. Goos board, catches pretty much anything, just turns like a bus. just got back in the water after time out with a broken foot, forgotten everything, we all know the winter brings the biggest swells tho. 5mm hooded with boots and gloves at the ready, waiting for the big winter swells.

Edited by Its_grim_up_norf
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You boys ain't got much imagination. Even the jobs you wanted sounded a bit boring. With the exception of Rakey


I wouldn't of minded being a airline pilot or maybe have a fleet of big game boats in the Caribbean.

Vet sounds a sensible option. But I would have liked to have got into property developing, because the boys I know that did in the 80's are laughing.

how many jobs have you tried?

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Did wanna be a vet but left school and got in with the wrong crowd I guess. Parents would moan at me for not going to college and uni but was more interested in making now type money. Funny thing is they'd always bring up mates of mine who was at college in an argument. All those mates are now unemployed.

Currently working as an undertaker and compare to other jobs I've had it's easy work and not as if I'm ever gonna be out of it which is a good thing in this day n age. My place doesn't have a manager either we run ourselfs which is lovely. Got noone on your back but still noone takes the piss and always get on with something that needs doing when not on a funeral.

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wouldn't of changed a thing-- :thumbs:

somethings are out of your control stig


loved my job hated the people I worked for =2 of us were painting a factory floor in 1983 on 170 quid a week saw the quote the firm had put in 2k I thought feck it I want some of that and went self employed got lucky along the way :thumbs: bit different now days .

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I wouldn't do anything else..........funny enough, my occupation that went on my latest boys birth certificate is exactly the same as my granddads then went on my Dads and the same as my Dads that went on mine..........never set out with any clear intention to do what I do but just ended up that way.


Funny how life turns out

Now I'm intrigued :hmm:



Don't be, it aint that f*****g exciting I can assure you :laugh::laugh:


Perfick, just perfick... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:




:laugh::laugh: HAHA.....Ya bugger..............nearly as many kids too!! :laugh:

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