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Lurcher Supplements

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Was woundering if anyone could help me, ive been shopping about and come across some all in 1 supplement for working dogs. I have a 12 month old saluki wippet grey bitch and she tends to pick up injurys easliy, now i know shes still developing but im finding it hard to put weight on her as shes a very picky eater. Now i go the gym from time to time and know that all muscle growth is promoted by healthy amounts of protein and creatine (depending on how hard u work). So more to the point this supplements offers all this and more and was thinking it might benifit my bitch? As anyone ever used such a supplement or just general advise would help thanks. Il upload a picture of the supplement and propertys thanks again.



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saluki`s tend to be light framed, big muscled dogs tend to get just as many injuries as fine muscled dogs in fact quite often more so, false muscle on a running dog will not help only food and fitness will achieve anything worthwhile, if the dog is healthy,well fed and regularly exercised there should be no need for supplements :thumbs:

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I think protein is over rated, yeh we need it course we do n it does give you an edge if training hard, but I've tried doing a couple of months without it n didnt notice any difference in how i looked n performed, when I say without it I mean extra like protein drinks supps etc, n just got my protein from food but not goin out of my way to get the right amount n best source, you always have to train hard n well don't you whatever you eat but the best shape I've been in was when just eatin clean natural food not dietin or anything or eatin so many times a day at the right time, but a good breakfast n plenty of fresh fruit fresh veg n salad n normal balanced meals n plenty of water, without thinking about it after 6 weeks I was ripped I think the body naturally detox's itself after that time n responds, I've tried it a few times now, you gota be sweating a lot most days tho as well so loosing water retention over that period plays a big part aswell, I know that's not about dogs n I'm no nutrition guru far from it but that's just what I've found works for me,if someone is bulkin that's different altogether tho eh, but like I say for humans n animals I think people put to much enthesis on protein to make a good a good diet, yeh for dogs meat nbr 1 but I'm not sure about all this 28 percent n 30 present n supplements make any difference..a good clean balanced is surely all that's needed..

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that dog looks fine for a saluki cross of that age. keep your money in your pocket, if the diet is correct then the body makes its own creatine. creatine doesnt actually help build muscle but is involved in supplying energy to muscles for work

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Cheers for all your advise decided give it a miss! I spose trying to rush the development of my bitch before shes even had time prove her self in her first season is daft, hopefully after a few more months good diet and plenty exercise her bones fully develop and become less prone to injury because shes 1 fast dog with plenty of stamina!

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