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Eye problem

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My mate has a foot beagle and she seems to have a problem with her eyes. Every morning and night time her eyes get filled up with green stuff. He washes her out every day and has been to the vets a few times and got drops, but nothing seems to work. It doesn't bother her but does anyone else out there had this problem and know how it can be cleared?

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Had exactly the same thing with a terrier but in one eye only, had various creams and lotions put in, nothing worked for MONTHS. Took her ratting, she got several nasty bites. The very next day the eye problem was gone never to return, my theory is her bodies natural immunities kicked in big time due to the rat bites and solved the eye problem at the same time???


How long has she had it? Could it be something to do with pollen or grass (allergy) If he walks her daily try keeping her in for 3 or 4 days see if it clears up?


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Thanks for the reply Molly. As far as i know she had the problem before he got her. He has brought her to a few vets and got different drops from each one but they didn't work. She is brought out to exercise every second day so i'll tell him to keep her in for a few days and see if it works

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