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Silent Dog Whistle.

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Does anyone use silent dog wistles with their dogs? All the videos I've seen on youtube you can hear the whistle are they using a different type of whistle or can humans just hear the silent ones? I just though it would be good to recall your dog if you were near a farm house or if people were near by and you didnt want them to know you were there. Whats anyones thoughts?

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Does anyone use silent dog wistles with their dogs? All the videos I've seen on youtube you can hear the whistle are they using a different type of whistle or can humans just hear the silent ones? I just though it would be good to recall your dog if you were near a farm house or if people were near by and you didnt want them to know you were there. Whats anyones thoughts?


i suppose as dogs have great hearing, they could hear this type of whistle, but never heard of any lads ever using one.? but if you wanted to call your dog in might not be bad idea if you were by farm , but most dogs would hear it so the old farm collie would as well and wake the dead up lol

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FFS haven't you people connected with your dogs I only have to think what I want my dogs to do and they do it ... But you do have to be carefull,if you think you have an itchy ball sack ..........

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