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Nlrc Statistics

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new statistics show the truth well anyhowst’s i believe it i tell ye all agian its a fine line separating intelligence and insanity. According to a new study by the NLRC , the same gene that makes you like lurches and surlukis also makes you more likely to be crazy tink about it for one minute, how many dogmen ye no who is normal ?????

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new statistics show the truth well anyhowst’s i believe it i tell ye all agian its a fine line separating intelligence and insanity. According to a new study by the NLRC , the same gene that makes you like lurches and surlukis also makes you more likely to be crazy tink about it for one minute, how many dogmen ye no who is normal ?????


If the NRLC have anything to do with anything worthwhile,that would make me crazy.

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well first it was the exited type morton but later cos of them fat lady judges i decide to joint the homosexchual community

So your basically saying a rubinesque octenarian whippet owner arouses you a little less than Rolph Harris?.

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well first it was the exited type morton but later cos of them fat lady judges i decide to joint the homosexchual community

So your basically saying a rubinesque octenarian whippet owner arouses you a little less than Rolph Harris?.


she wasn that rubiness word you say morton tell ye the truth it was morbidly obese and smelt of bad stuff, and it was a watse of a quid to put up with that

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tell ye the truth don thing ime going to no more shows after today ime just going to forget all about then from now on its not worth it but there was some nice dogs there and it was good to meet up with some other strange people

The thing is with the NRLC shows you will certainly meet up with some weird fecking lurcher owning and non working types,the blue rinses,cravats and zimmer frames,plus the puddle jumpers they drive are a sure giveaway.

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well first it was the exited type morton but later cos of them fat lady judges i decide to joint the homosexchual community

So your basically saying a rubinesque octenarian whippet owner arouses you a little less than Rolph Harris?.


she wasn that rubiness word you say morton tell ye the truth it was morbidly obese and smelt of bad stuff, and it was a watse of a quid to put up with that


Nothing worse than a smelly old bird that stinks of piss,enough to dampen the best of phallic vigour,except the bull cross owners perhaps?.

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hi morton dis won supreme champin don thing his owner looks much, but he was laughing and jowkin with the fat woman in charge


No,ive give it a nudge,tempted the little fella with a blue pill and still zilch,i think the scouse accent dampened the little vigour i attempted to muster.He,she or whatever it wishes to trade under would make for a better judge than some of the pension and dog work dodgers the NRLC trades under now,if the scouse shirt lifter can circumvent the trade description act and pass as a comedian,then the majority of NRLC judges may be in good company.

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