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Lady Lampers

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Is it all guys on this site, ive been on this site for a few months now and it all seems to be guys that talk about there dogs.

Ive been involved in working dogs all of my life, i was brought up around a shoot in rural Devon but im now involved with hounds/whippets/bedlingtons.

Come on the rest of the lasses on this site tell us about yourselves and your dogs!!

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hello countrymaid, :)

you are not the only female hence my reply there is quite a few of us ladies on here.

i have 4 dogs a beddyXwhippet a pure whippet,a bedlington terrier and a patterdale terrier

i also like to go out shooting with other half(lonewolf) and also like to do ferreting and ratting

we have a 4 year old son and he goes out with his dad shooting aswell so he is involved aswell




regards kellyann


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Hi Countrymaid


Another lass here. West Country born brought up with horses and hunting then shooting. Moved to Bonny Scotland 15year ago got with a guy whose into shooting too. Keep gundogs and terriers, GSD. Live on a remote farm where the Hunting Life is sometimes the only contact with the oputside world for 24hrs! Its great being a hermit type critter :clapper: At the moment i am cheif kennel maid, stockwoman while himself his way working and when hes home cheif cook, bottlewasher and beer can opener and general dogsbody. Work in the beef industry so life is pretty much revolves around beasts! (himself is included in that description :p )

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Thats nice kennel maid you are involving your son in with the dogs. Ive got 18 dogs at the moment and a litter of 3 day old Bedlingtons. My partner has a 200 acre farm but i just cannot get him interested in coming out lamping with me, its a shame because the farm is over run with rabbits.

My Son who is 15 loves all the country stuff but my daughters dont seem so keen, all the mums at school think im mad because i get so excited about working my dogs and my dogs in general.

Countrymaid :D

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Hello :bye: like Kennal maid said theres qutie a few females on the site :thumbs: i have 1 terrier bitch who is 11 ys old now but still full of life :laugh: i also have kept ferrets for 13 ys & wouldnt ever be with out any.


My husband & myself worked the ferrets untill around 3 yrs ago , my husbands ill health ment we had to stop, but he is now better so we can go again :toast:

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Hi Countrymaid


Another lass here. West Country born brought up with horses and hunting then shooting. Moved to Bonny Scotland 15year ago got with a guy whose into shooting too. Keep gundogs and terriers, GSD. Live on a remote farm where the Hunting Life is sometimes the only contact with the oputside world for 24hrs! Its great being a hermit type critter :clapper: At the moment i am cheif kennel maid, stockwoman while himself his way working and when hes home cheif cook, bottlewasher and beer can opener and general dogsbody. Work in the beef industry so life is pretty much revolves around beasts! (himself is included in that description :p )

Your rural life sounds lovely, at this time of year with all the holiday makers around i wish my life was a bit more rural.

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Thats nice kennel maid you are involving your son in with the dogs. Ive got 18 dogs at the moment and a litter of 3 day old Bedlingtons. My partner has a 200 acre farm but i just cannot get him interested in coming out lamping with me, its a shame because the farm is over run with rabbits.

My Son who is 15 loves all the country stuff but my daughters dont seem so keen, all the mums at school think im mad because i get so excited about working my dogs and my dogs in general.

Countrymaid :D



18 dogs wow can i ask what they all are please ? :D

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Thats nice kennel maid you are involving your son in with the dogs. Ive got 18 dogs at the moment and a litter of 3 day old Bedlingtons. My partner has a 200 acre farm but i just cannot get him interested in coming out lamping with me, its a shame because the farm is over run with rabbits.

My Son who is 15 loves all the country stuff but my daughters dont seem so keen, all the mums at school think im mad because i get so excited about working my dogs and my dogs in general.

Countrymaid :D



18 dogs wow can i ask what they all are please ? :D

Whippets, Bedlingtons, and whippet/Bedlington Crosses. Ive got 6 Generations of my Whippet breeding and 4 Generations of my Bedlingtons

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Thats nice kennel maid you are involving your son in with the dogs. Ive got 18 dogs at the moment and a litter of 3 day old Bedlingtons. My partner has a 200 acre farm but i just cannot get him interested in coming out lamping with me, its a shame because the farm is over run with rabbits.

My Son who is 15 loves all the country stuff but my daughters dont seem so keen, all the mums at school think im mad because i get so excited about working my dogs and my dogs in general.

Countrymaid :D



18 dogs wow can i ask what they all are please ? :D

Whippets, Bedlingtons, and whippet/Bedlington Crosses. Ive got 6 Generations of my Whippet breeding and 4 Generations of my Bedlingtons


very nice i like the whippets and bedlingtons they are so loving but we only got 4 not that much space to have 18 would be nice though :D

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Hi Countrymaid


Another lass here. West Country born brought up with horses and hunting then shooting. Moved to Bonny Scotland 15year ago got with a guy whose into shooting too. Keep gundogs and terriers, GSD. Live on a remote farm where the Hunting Life is sometimes the only contact with the oputside world for 24hrs! Its great being a hermit type critter :clapper: At the moment i am cheif kennel maid, stockwoman while himself his way working and when hes home cheif cook, bottlewasher and beer can opener and general dogsbody. Work in the beef industry so life is pretty much revolves around beasts! (himself is included in that description :p )

Your rural life sounds lovely, at this time of year with all the holiday makers around i wish my life was a bit more rural.



I dont deny its great. Only thing about it is if i have an accident noone would know about it. Last winter was a bitch with gales and doing the horses, dogs and other beasts while slates are coming off the roof in the dark was a fair bit scary.Got knocked down by one of the horses thought the end was ngh :o In the summer at the weekend we too get walkers (or bonglies as they are not so affectiontly known) who think its ok to trapse through the yard instead of using hill track like they are supposed to.

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Thoroughly enjoy lamping, ratting and ferreting.

Have 2 lurchers (one retired), 3 terriers (one retired) and 4 furts.

The only shooting i do is target practise for fun, and ive just developed a passion for fishing :wub:

Also live semi rural on a beef and sheep farm.

My life has changed so dramatically since i started with the dogs, ive never been happier, and it just keeps getting better :good:


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Hi Countrymaid


Another lass here. West Country born brought up with horses and hunting then shooting. Moved to Bonny Scotland 15year ago got with a guy whose into shooting too. Keep gundogs and terriers, GSD. Live on a remote farm where the Hunting Life is sometimes the only contact with the oputside world for 24hrs! Its great being a hermit type critter :clapper: At the moment i am cheif kennel maid, stockwoman while himself his way working and when hes home cheif cook, bottlewasher and beer can opener and general dogsbody. Work in the beef industry so life is pretty much revolves around beasts! (himself is included in that description :p )

Your rural life sounds lovely, at this time of year with all the holiday makers around i wish my life was a bit more rural.



I dont deny its great. Only thing about it is if i have an accident noone would know about it. Last winter was a bitch with gales and doing the horses, dogs and other beasts while slates are coming off the roof in the dark was a fair bit scary.Got knocked down by one of the horses thought the end was ngh :o In the summer at the weekend we too get walkers (or bonglies as they are not so affectiontly known) who think its ok to trapse through the yard instead of using hill track like they are supposed to.

We call the holiday makers Grockles down here Devon

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:clapper::clapper: Grockles. I havent heard that one in years. sitting here big smile on gob with that one. :clapper:

Grockles get said a few times a day in my house at the moment, there a right pain!! they dont know how to reverse around our lanes with Devon Banks and when they see us out on our horses in the lanes they go to bits !!!

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Oh aye they are the biggest problem here too.Dont mind drivers going past fast just as long as they go wide so if horse spins then youve room. Raking about the farm ans staring into house. Someyimes wish i could find out where they live and traspe through their gardens see how they like it. Meet some nice ones too though and if they are a good bunch i will give them some eggs to take home.

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