scothunter 12,609 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 "c**t neither works nor wants." a saying my old man said often for folk on the dole and lived the lifestyle of a working man. some interesting posts and i tend to agree with paulus. not like years ago on the dole/and i mean the ones on benefits just for not finding work,. all they other benefits that folk get working or otherwise can rack up a right few quid. these days though folk are really toiling and you have to ask yourself would any sane person subject themselfs to the hardship faced by some of the folk on dole money. my mate hasnt worked in years granted employers dont tend to like hiring someone who is a convicted murderer,but thats neither here nor there.he f***ing struggles to heat and feed himself.often i have said look come crash here till you get your money or helped him with some cash etc. said it other week when the percentage of famlies has risen for those food bank handouts and working famlies are using them aswell. then you cant just blame one group of people of all our woes.this country could very well take care of its people in these hard times,but not when we have the tribes and the EU sucking the life from the nation,and thoise elected to tend to our needs are f***ing scamming like f**k and living lifes without ever having to put thier own hand in thier pocket. we certainly do need a radical shake up in this country and a lot of people need brought to book,but the f***ing poor would be the last ones i would be looking at. 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nik_B 3,790 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 Well the problem with both Jamie Olivers statement and this post in general is that people see it as a bash the poor or bash the people on the dole. Only a total twat would say they've got it easy but the point he was trying to make is that people should get their priorities straight and my point is that we shouldn't wait for the food industry/government make life easier for any of us. Lets face it they couldn't give a rats arse if our kids start showing signs of diabetes at the age of 12 otherwise they'd have already done something about it. There's no way I would feed my kids package food every night and not make sure they get some vitamins. In that I am lucky my mum grew up in really tough conditions in the 50s and tought us all how to cook properly. We hardly ever saw crisps and never got the stuff the other kids got and if we got hungry we had to be inventive 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
greenman 221 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 My family have been farm and estate workers for generations. My grandad chose not to have a tv instead they spent the money feeding and clothing my mum and uncle to the best they could afford. My dad slept in a drawer instead of a cot, my aunt shared my grandmas bed and my grandpa slept on a chair in the room that served as living room and dining room. They could of chosen to go without coal to heat the place and had a tv. I've worked as a farm worker, forester, coppice worker and even keeper once. Sometimes self employed and rented a cottage and sometimes like now for a wage with reduced rent. We have a tv (I wouldn't piss on Murdock let alone line his pocket if I could afford it), a laptop with the cheapest deal on phone and broadband and I have got my first smartphone as I work long hours and can say goodnight and see my young daughter on it. We don't have a console never played one and wouldn't choose to. We choose to buy the best fresh food we can afford, has to be from the supermarket there are no grocers round here now, what meat we buy is from the butcher the majority comes via the dogs or ferrets. I'm not denying we have the odd takeaway as a treat when we can afford it. Those who know me will agree you can get fat on good wholesome cheap home cooking to. I agree with his comments BUT as some of you have said it is the wider social issue needs addressing. My wife is a social worker and deals with families first hand who see a flat screen in every room, sky, a games console and a smart phone each as a right and something to prioritise over looking after there kids. I'm 34 but have older friends who lived through it and am well read enough i believe to give you my opinion? Thatcher and her government f****d my generation and all of us and no government since has been able to rectify it. She took milk from schools and now we worry about kids getting fed properly? Jamie does a lot to try to help people eat better but it's not the only issue. To solve the obesity and undress the imbalance of wealth will take generations of change, I hope I am around to see it but i doubt it, hopefully by bringing my daughter up as my wife and I were as kids she will be one of the ones to bring it about. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
scothunter 12,609 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 my maw is a great cook and there was always a fresh home cooked meal.however it being there didnt necassary mean we ate it.i have eaten fast food for years.i like it and would rather have it over some concotion cooked up in my maws we can blame,my parents for not demanding that i sat down and ate a meal,or we could blame the fast food industry.or the goverment in fact any c**t bar ourselfs lol The point i was trying to make is we dont have it like we used to do. things are costing more and it has a knock on effect on the nation. we have all felt the affects with the recession and we do tend to watch the pounds,but there are really fok in this country who are f***ing struggling they need help/pity call it what you like,but the last thing they need is folk turning on them for being poor. and yes there are ones who are milking the system for all its worth,but there are genuine cases who sadly are lumped in with the spongers. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
C Hall 552 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 Jamie has a weight problem all of his own from what I have noticed 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gonetoearth 5,144 Posted August 29, 2013 Author Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 The generations for the last 20 years have had the best chance to rise from low incomes to middle to high incomes though hard work and skill ,if you look at our parents and grandparents if they worked in a certain job industry your kids normally stayed in there wage bracket lifestyle for the rest of there lives. I think Jamie comments strikes home with either alot of members or there children and they just dont like to here it ,if a kid is living at home he does not need to earn even the min wage the early jobs in life is there to gain knowledge etc etc time managment . Some need to get off the gravy train of blaming others for the faults in our lives . Combine sales are booming Cookie . You live in a bubble lol. Ever thought of being an mp you would fit the cryteria to a tee Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,537 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 I think Nik B has spoken very well and i agree wholeheartedly with virtually everything he,s said...........common sense is not a class/money thing we all have enough of it to make decisions both for ourselves and our kids on the basic necessities in life......its always staggered me the shit people are willing to put in their bodies without giving it a second thought.....the thought process being " i wont put drugs into my body of a weekend thats terrible "......but..... " i,ll stuff my face full of shitty processed foods over a lifetime and thats good living " Modern advances in nutrition have a lot to answer for in my opinion.....the amount of sports folk i see walking into gyms drinking the latest laboratory creations before nipping into the chippy on the way home because they are starving hungry !............The same applies to everyday living we are all in too much of a rush for something as boring as food to be all that important.......i wouldnt be seen dead in a Jamie Oliver or Ramsey restaurant but i think Oliver speaks well on the many ENGLISH restaurants do you see these days where you can go in and have a roast.....not a pub carvery but a traditional English roast in an English restaurant......very few,like many other subjects English/British traditions are being overlooked and forgotten about. 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
scothunter 12,609 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 thats the brits own fault, there demand for curry houses and mexicans outway the need for your traditional sunday roast. although i dont eat that food just as bad by eating fast food. having said that when i do gout for a meal its always a traditional steak pie and veg or cod and chips. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Brewman 1,192 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 How a British restaurant couldn't be successful is beyond me, it doesn't have to be bland or expensive. I have some cookbooks by British chefs Ramsey, Hugh F.W. etc and the food can be quite tasty without having to be spicey and it can be done with British produce eg FWs fish pie. How many people would pay a little extra for local food is the question. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nik_B 3,790 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 How many people would pay a little extra for local food is the question. Maybe the problem is people aren't used to cooking seasonal food anymore? This is something we are trying to do although not very well. If you buy the veg etc when it's in season it's not that expensive but too many people are used to having any kind of fruit or veg at any time of the year. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 How many people would pay a little extra for local food is the question. Maybe the problem is people aren't used to cooking seasonal food anymore? This is something we are trying to do although not very well. If you buy the veg etc when it's in season it's not that expensive but too many people are used to having any kind of fruit or veg at any time of the year. winter food would be boring without out of season veg , how many people know how to clamp potatoes anymore or tie onions sets and not all old school cooking was healthy more a case of necessity,pickled everything, salted meats, beef dripping sandwiches etc, Quote Link to post Share on other sites
budharley 945 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 ive had 2 poles work under me at work both grafters , the company has employed 8 in the last four years where as they have taken on about 20-25 English lads ive personally got 5 of them jobs . I often got asked who I wanted to take in the mornings and always went with the English lads until I was told to take my polish mates for a week after that I personally asked for one every day why should I make more work for myself they just didn't like the graft, theres still 5 poles there and I can count on one hand the English lads out of the 25 through no fault but there own , the gaffer is very fair every one gets paid the same until you move up a position. I know for a fact without them there my boss would of lost a huge amount of work and money Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rob284 1,682 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 Imo they do the hours, but they do f**k all in them. The ones I know do f**k all but will do 60 hours a week. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
cookiemonsterandmerlin 145 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 How many people would pay a little extra for local food is the question. Maybe the problem is people aren't used to cooking seasonal food anymore? This is something we are trying to do although not very well. If you buy the veg etc when it's in season it's not that expensive but too many people are used to having any kind of fruit or veg at any time of the year. winter food would be boring without out of season veg , how many people know how to clamp potatoes anymore or tie onions sets and not all old school cooking was healthy more a case of necessity,pickled everything, salted meats, beef dripping sandwiches etc, Does that sort of diet cause club foot Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,537 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Share Posted August 29, 2013 (edited) thats the brits own fault, there demand for curry houses and mexicans outway the need for your traditional sunday roast. although i dont eat that food just as bad by eating fast food. having said that when i do gout for a meal its always a traditional steak pie and veg or cod and chips. nah i dont buy it any coincidence that when i was young,probably you as well.......there was 10 traditional British restaurants to every 1 Indian or chinese.........yet today you have to look hard to find a British it because Brits want kebabs,chinese i dont think it is i think like everything else British culture is being DIScouraged and our traditions are being swallowed up in favour of foreign ideas.......i know plenty of people myself included who would rather stay in for a traditional English roast or English breakfast in preference to going out for a curry or a poncey continental breakfast........but the venues are just not out there anymore.......its not cool enough to like British food anymore. Edited August 29, 2013 by gnasher16 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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