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Jamie Oliver Comment

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Jamie oliver said in a mag id have to close my resturants if it was not for the eastern europeans . , WELL DO US ALL A FAVOUR YOU FAT LITTLE OBNOXIOUS TWAT last time i was in your ignorant eastern european staff. Made it one of lifes less enjoyable experiences

Your food is bland over priced , He went on to say there better than british kids. Who are wet behind the ears. , Mmmm the same fella has took thousands off training schemes etc. over the years. Wont be eating in his gaffs or watching chubby again

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He is from north Essex , Clavering to be exact And I don't for one minute agree that's its more expensive to eat decent grub, it's way cheaper in fact Go to a green grocers stall and you will freig

You sound like my boss!!! LolThere only any good for a few months til they find out the craic and then its all for show.

One things for sure, you wont be eating cheaply by shopping at supermarkets like Sainsburys or any of the rest of them.......don't blame him for taking the coin off them but if your gonna talk the tal

He also said that poor people can not afford to eat healthily but can afford flat screen tv`s, what the fook would he know about poor people eating habits and what exactly gives him the right to comment anyway. stick him in a council flat somewhere and give him 7 quid a day to eat and pay all his bills and he will soon realise the the tv is as important as food when you can not afford to do anything but watch it :laugh:

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Not exactly the sweet old Eastender he'd have us believe with his "mockney" accent is he?

I don't think he said he was an Eastender has he ? Always thought he said he was an Essex boy.


east end of Essex ;)

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He made other statements today, where I think he may have a point - criticizing parents who buy 50' TVs and all the other shiny new gadgets, but feed their kids crap. (I'm guessing he's having a go at the Brighthouse brigade!) :hmm:


Mind you, I think it lowers your parenting skills credibility when your kids are called Buddy Bear Maurice, Petal Blossom Rainbow, Poppy Honey Rosie and Daisy Boo Pamela, and he's from Essex !

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Not exactly the sweet old Eastender he'd have us believe with his "mockney" accent is he?

I don't think he said he was an Eastender has he ? Always thought he said he was an Essex boy.



They don't talk like that in Essex....or anywhere really. :laugh:

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He's not the only businessman that thinks like that . A bloke i know has he's own business and he's got two Russians working for him and he said that they work twice as hard as the English lads. First ones in last ones out and don't stop for a tea break so he says.

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He's not the only businessman that thinks like that . A bloke i know has he's own business and he's got two Russians working for him and he said that they work twice as hard as the English lads. First ones in last ones out and don't stop for a tea break so he says.

You sound like my boss!!! Lol

There only any good for a few months til they find out the craic and then its all for show.

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sadly this myth that the poles etc have better work ethics is hurting our own people. employers buy into this without even giving brits a chance.i know some firms whos workforce is made up entirelly of poles. they hire one and before they know it he has all his friends there.

know your in business to make profit,but it certainly wouldnt be my ideal company. you want to have a bit craic with your workforce and form a sort of relationship. you ever tried engaging a pole in conversation, they look at you like have f***ing horns growing out your head.

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He made other statements today, where I think he may have a point - criticizing parents who buy 50' TVs and all the other shiny new gadgets, but feed their kids crap. (I'm guessing he's having a go at the Brighthouse brigade!) :hmm:


Mind you, I think it lowers your parenting skills credibility when your kids are called Buddy Bear Maurice, Petal Blossom Rainbow, Poppy Honey Rosie and Daisy Boo Pamela, and he's from Essex !


My lads called 'BEN 10 RHYS' .... but thats just what he calls himself :laugh:

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