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this winter im going to ireland on a business trip for a couple of days. but would like to go hunting over there.


i am planning a litter of my jagds this winter and i thought some irish lads might be interesting in a jagd. we can trade a pup for 1 or 2 days hunting with some terriërs and or lurchers. im only asking a couple of euros for covering the price of the chip and vacciantion of the pup.


pm me when you are interested.

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Heads up , be careful who you drag around, we don't want a film made on diggin in Ireland :/

Its a strange world when people can come onto a forum and speak about hunted related issues, organise outings from near and far while all the time have this anti issue in the back off there heads !

i dont understand you guys im coming with a good offer because i will be in ireland for business anyways what would be nicer than spending a few more days out there with some other people who like the

Is it north or south your going to mate ? Id gladly give u a few days out if you want . Pm me details



im landing in dublin and going to ballyconnell, close to north ireland but we will drive a renthal car because we want to see a bit of ireland too.

Edited by Jachtterrier
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How do you know it's not an anti , sure look a the Doc made about the Garda in Ireland diggin they didnt expect to get caught the way they did , lik I'm not doubting this man but just be careful , go for a dig next day all you dogs gone , off on a boat :/ I wouldn't do it anyway !

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i dont understand you guys im coming with a good offer because i will be in ireland for business anyways what would be nicer than spending a few more days out there with some other people who like the same thing? and see someone else his dogs working. here in holland are not so many terriermen and because i cant and will not sell a jagd as a pet i offer a pup for a couple of euros to cover the cost i had on the pup and spending some time hunting with people who share the same passion there are plenty of lads here who spend hundreds of euro's to go on hunting holiday why not make someone else happy with a pup.


im reading quit some time on this forum but you guys Always have something. when you ask money for a pup you are a peddler, when its for free (i tought most dogs where gifted by most terriermen out there) you guys think im flying to f***ing ireland to steal some dogs and go back home or go home to holland to make fox hunting in ireland illegal. :huh:

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Hunt crazy is your man. He's a sound decent terrier man he won't set you wrong. I no where people are coming from but personally I'd want to know someone before I brought them digging.

well wats the crack,u still interested in 1of them patterdale pup there ready anytime wat about Keith and they are gifted too
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fine, but how do i know your not an anti :hmm:

Anybody with the interest of the host at heart will understand the precautions that MUST be taken to safeguard their lifestyle and the welfare of their mutts,if they fail to realise then they should,nt be invited to tag along.

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Hunt crazy is your man. He's a sound decent terrier man he won't set you wrong. I no where people are coming from but personally I'd want to know someone before I brought them digging.

well wats the crack,u still interested in 1of them patterdale pup there ready anytime wat about Keith and they are gifted too
Edited by shaneg
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