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Pcp Advice

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Hi all I have qb78delux which has been top class gun for me as I only shoot rats and pigeons and how am looking for multi shoot compact pcp what best value for money I have read up and ultra seems what people pick must but would like little more advice as am falconry person shooting is just 2 nights a week

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2 nights a week?! Thats more than me lol

As for the ultra its an amazing gun. But low shot count.. 30-40 ? Very small and compact.

Or the air arms s200 is excellent value for money if you can find one with 10 shot mag and a scope for a good price. Few more shots aswell 50-60 ?? But they are a bit longer than the ultra especially with a silencer fitted.


Hope this helps mate

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value for money the best multi shot has to hw 100 .It costs a bit but the gun shoots and operates great ,as to weaver a multi shot is good or not that is a question .



I have Daystate Huntsman Classic as well as HW100... and Weihrauch is much better gun IMHO, although not as nice looking as Huntsman.

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The BSA Ultra is a good gun, the new SE models are great guns (got rid of the MMC which is like Marmite). I personally hated the MMC Ultra, I had one from new for 3 weeks, wound up being sold back to the gunshop we bought it from and me getting a mark 2 BSA Super 10 instead (I really like the Super 10).


Other guns to look for. BSA Super 10, great shot count, good reliability and that wonderful BSA barrel combine to make this gun everything the R10 SHOULD have been! Theoben Rapid, occasionally these come up at good prices, easily serviced and plenty of people know how to get the best out of them. If you like the Ultra also look for a BSA Hornet, what the Ultra was developed from, essentially a big Ultra with a 232 bar fill and Super 10 regulator, they are out there!

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