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Gskye- Nfd (New Ferret Day? Lol)

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After organising this over the last few weeks and everything getting in the way, I finally managed to get to meet up with Jarvis and get these beauty's homed   They're two lil 'polecat' and albino

NO NO NO....   Here is ronnie and reggie     How about....   Chip & Dale...

How about Laurel and Hardy?

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My hob - Apollo, the god of music. My two jills - Athena and Enyo, the goddesses of war.


An albino hob would suit Zeus :thumbs:

I see you're big on your Greeks then?


I bet they have little togas and swan around ;) haha

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Bet those harness feck up there street cred :yes::laugh::laugh:

was just thinking why those harnesses were on them :laugh: lorrel and hardy sounds best :laugh: good luck with them though mate, hope all goes well, :victory: ATB FT


Im sure those harness are making a statement you couldn't get two louder colours :laugh::laugh:

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Haha well they are pets either way about it.

its till going to take them a while to mature before hunting and while they're still young, I'm using the harness' to get the used to wearing them/collars before putting anything near as expensive as the Deben Tracking Collars on (which I've seen them find their way out of these harness' easily enough)

Whilst I have cats too, i take these in the garden with both harness and leads attached to stop them venturing off into danger and to keep them near ourselves for bonding and until I can build/purchase a run for them.


Anyway, I'm not looking to be criticised- I'm still treating them well, taking good care while they settle in and anything they wear: whether it looks uncomfortable or stupid still serves its purpose.

We all have our own techniques and this is mine.


Any problems regarding the harness, I prefer a PM and not keep droning on, on the topic.


Kind regards


Grae :laugh:

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