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Moded 2 Cages Into One

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Excuse the mess was toking up when I gleaned the pic



Yes. *Cough!* Quite so .....


Sweetest looking little birds, mate. Gorgeous. Quite see what ye see in them :yes:



Just that ..... well ..... That is a sliding out divisionary panel, isn't it? Like; Pull it out and two cages become one. In a second or two ..... :hmm:





Dog bowls? Jig Saws?



Why??? :icon_eek:

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The cages was single breeding cages made for finches no divide .....



Aah! With ye now, mate! :laugh: Sorry. It was a bit later in even My day. And I think I might have had a taste of something too, by then ....!


What are those little things, anyway? Lovely colour and really do look rather endearing. Though, I suppose they screech like a f**king wife, eh? :laugh:

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The cages was single breeding cages made for finches no divide .....



Aah! With ye now, mate! :laugh: Sorry. It was a bit later in even My day. And I think I might have had a taste of something too, by then ....!


What are those little things, anyway? Lovely colour and really do look rather endearing. Though, I suppose they screech like a f**king wife, eh? :laugh:

Thay are paraletts pete the cock bird is serving the he's 3/4 times a day(lucky fecker lol) and god yea thay do screech and it's annoying lol that's one of the reasons thay went in the shed.thay av only been in there 3 days and I haven't heard a noise out of them lol
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Thay are paraletts pete and god yea thay do screech and it's annoying .....



" Annoying "?!? FFS!!! I just watched / listened to about a Third of This!


Now, I feel like killing that f**king bird. You. And the c**t who inflicted that f**king film on us!!! Christ almighty! My f**king Ears!!! :chair:

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