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The UK already have one of the most restrictive firearm legislation in Europe.


Pianoman, too much "Fallout" ;)

there are plenty of countries with tougher controls than england .no air guns or mabe with a licence ,no catapults .no hunting with air guns ,no hunting with catapults were they are allowed to be used .

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There is no right to bear arms in modern Scotland; is the thinking of a cretin, considering the revenues generated by Highland deer stalking and shooting licences alone in the Scottish economy...


But that's exactly what the idiots are thinking. Armed Revolution.


The thinking in political circles now has moved from governance to control of the poplace.


Not so much the fear of a mass armed uprising against the Islamification of Britain or foreign immigrant overun. But more particularly, and very likely possible, the collapse of the UK economy.


Because if and when interest rates go up, and some day they will have to, the massive black hole of debt our economy is in, will cause the utter collapse of the UK's entire economic system to a point where cash will be almost non-existant and we will be in the same shithole as Greece is in now. Or worse, as this is Britain. Nobody does "worse", better than we do!


And there will be no cash in the machines for food, heat, light, nothing. Your savings will be lost, your salaries won't be worth a shit. The banks will grab any amount of cash going in and giving nothing back out. There will be panic and rioting and, very soon there will be looting by people who would never have dreamed of doing such a thing; and the police and the army will not be able to cope. They will be cash strapped and hungry too by then anyway.


And what will a population do when it is starving to death??


In the land of the unarmed starving, the robbed and the utter poor, the one with the gun, ANY gun, will be King.



That's why the politicians fear us all having so much as a pea-shooter.


So happy times ahead then, Simon :laugh::thumbs:


BTW, your stock's ready.

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Tony Wall at Sandwell field sports is your man give them a call they'll tune the hw97k so it's shooting beautifully and believe you can do all this via post too or there's a video on Internet just google it tells you a little of whats involved you can't go wrong the service there is superb

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