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A Quick Stroll Round My Small Rabbit Permission

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Went to have a look at my rabbit permission this morning, as the s200 is awaiting its mag which was supposed to have arrived Saturday, I took the more trusted and to be frank better 97kt which proved more than its worth again the sexy springer that it is :yes: set off 2 mins into my lap in the paddock big ears 600 pro'd it 37 yards back of the head no movement put it in the back pack. Moved on stopped for a minute yep I guessed right another big ears kneeing shot 43yards just behind the eye went and got it that one literary in the bag!! sat near a sitty tree above the stubble in the next field 10 mins later a woody 30 yards heart n lung woody in the bag, as I was on my way to retrieve it another landed on the power line 43 yards out,another 14.5 grain rws superdome victim back of the neck collected both and thought that willdo for the day and less than an hour my god the 97kt sfs s2 is a beast :yes::thumbs:




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Leave the 100 at home tell it, it's r+r ;)

dont get me wrong the 100 is probably right up there I won't ever take anything away from it one day I hope to own one just. The feel of shooting a spring gun that's the nuts!!
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I was sat there thinking why did I even buy the hw100, I don't even need a pcp-

target practice with them is boring and its a blag pumping them up all the time!


and there is no squirrels left - the 97 already sorted them out last year :whistling:



cant beat the kick of a springer and watching your spinner spin or your group staying tight shot after shot. that's the point of my shooting- knowing I have mastered the rifle, and watching it punish me if I slacken off and get complacent ..


ive mastered (well, near enough) the hw97kt now and im after a new challenge,


introducing, the hw98 ladies and gentlemen :bye: (well, in the next few weeks when I place my order and it arrives)

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