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Tree Stump Help

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you can try the old wives tales above :lol: or you can google "ecoplug' and try that :yes: the company i worked for in sweden knew the guy who devolped it and ive seen it works!! its basically plugs you drill into the base and then they breakdown and the chemical kills the whole root system......brilliant stuff!!!!


failing that use a pole to dig it out.......not a metal one mind a human one that will do it for £20......:lol:

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drill holes in stump and soak red diesel into it before long it will be dead, I say red as its cheaper than white diesel

waste of good diesel....bad for the enviroment.....etc etc


ecoplug is the way.....;)

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drill holes in stump and soak red diesel into it before long it will be dead, I say red as its cheaper than white diesel

waste of good diesel....bad for the enviroment.....etc etc


ecoplug is the way..... ;)


how much is eco plug? only bad for environment if used carelessly

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