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this day and age anything can be sorted CW i hope its insured if not it will cost you ...once of a day it would be buried thats for sure ..but iam sure there a good running dog vet that can sort it ..depending how bad it is ...all the best with her :thumbs: ..iam sure sombody who knows more than myself will be able to help you :D

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is your vet talking about surgery or is it torn. if its torn ultrasound therapy is fantastic (speeds recovery) combined with swimming it will take time to heal and the quicker you act the better it will heal. I'm not sure if the dog will be up to jumping gates but see no reason you wont be able to work her. I'm sure you already know some good greyhound men but maybe talk to an equine vet they often have mobile ultrasound equipment and ,maybe able to help i hope you find someone who is able to give you the right advice and that sky is on the road to recovery soon.


I suppose the question is is she worth the time and expense in your eyes. (it sounds like you think she is)



i would rather say i tried and failed than not try at all.




here is an explanation of the ligament and ways to repair if surgery is needed hope this helps molly


Edited by ferret15
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Very interesting Ferret15, thanks :good:


My dog snapped one in her hock, she had surgery to repair it and was as good as new untill she snapped the fusion (how ill never know?)

There is a good possibilty surgery will work, especially as she is so young, but her working life may not be as long as a dog without it. But then again another dog my get something completely different..... its like a lucky dip sometimes.


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I had a 2 year old dog damage his cruciate very badly: the dog man told me to lead walk him only for 6 months!! The knee carried quite a bit of lumpy scar tissue afterwards but he ran sound as a pound after I'd got him fit again. Then the next season he broke his neck! Gutted was I as he was a fine little dog: but the cruciate did heal OK, though I don't know if it might have given him trouble in later years.

Get the pup to a good greyhound vet: I can reccomend a couple if you are interested though hopefully you got a phone number this morning from a mutual friend. There's another very good vet up in Leicestershire too if you want another opionion.

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My brother-in-laws collies x did exactly the same thing as a youngster........that was 9 years ago and the only thing is that his leg will go up at the end of a paticularly hard nights work, other than that it runs just fine.


By the way, the vet told him it would never run again and he just took it to a place with a more "can do" type attitude :thumbs:

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Well CW, i once owned a fast little bitch called Kim. Actually, she was my uncles really, but i was the person who ran her. Back then i was doing alot of lamping and also plaguing the local hares in the daytime, due to this bitches speed she was doing well. Then one evening we went out on the lamp to some local fields and after catching a couple of rabbits Kim missed one and came trotting back at speed. But before i even got her near to the motor she was on three legs.

My local vet (where i went at the time), was a most sypathetic person and , more importantly for a vet, he was HONEST.


The bill to "repair" such an injury at the time was quite expensive and he said there would be no way she would be able to run properly again.


This old vet also told me something else.. he said that this ninjury is more common in bitches and , if one side goes (ligament), its not unknown for the other side to go. Now, i can't say whether or not this is true, but thats his words, and he was a fine bloke.


Is it snaped or just damaged?


A broken leg can be repaired and the dog will certainly run fine, but ligament damage is a different kettle of fish.



BUT, that said, if you really like the dog then why not give it a go. ? you have nothing to loose except a few pound notes...



These things always seem to happen to the dogs you like........ :no:

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Just spoke to our local greyhound chap on the phone and he says this -If the damage is recent and no inflamation has set in then bandage the leg fairly tight 6inches either side the knee,including the knee so the leg is straight .Do this with hot not boiling water soaked bandage .It will need changing 3 times a day for 2 weeks .From then on bandage with dry bandage as before but change once daily .No exercise at all for 3 months .4 months down the line the bandage can be removed and the dog allowed supervised exercise on the lead .The process takes a good year to mend and thats if you catch it right .

On the down side to this ,if you have taken the dog to a vet then the vital time for heat aplication has probably gone and some form of swelling will have started .

The vet can operate as has been said but it will be costly .

Hope you get this sorted mate .

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