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The archbishop of canterbury..... one of the biggest twatss in this country.... turned down the offer to become 'vice patron' for the ARSEpca......because... hes a "keen shot" .....


Get that up ye! :laugh:

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Yet again CDW rallies to the cause, one of our biggest supporters who is never afraid to stand against the masses and give her usual thought provoking yet biased (for us) opinion. If only other 'celebs' who are of same mind stopped shitting themselves because of the tabloid press and spoke out too... :yes:


Oh yer, and the Bish bashes pheasants and fecked off the rspca... Good for him, the church has just risen in my opinion, only slightly mind but risen it has. How funny would that look on a beautiful October morn, Clergy lining up on pegs and blasting the bejesus out of driven game birds, dog collars and Barbours... what a combination..!! :rolleyes:


Good on ya Clarry, ya big fat bundle of hunting love...!! :air_kiss::toast:

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Ive known cdw for many years a very educated and articulated women we were with her at the old yorkshire the meet she was prosucuted for and pleaded guilty The out come no case to answer. Lol I was talking to her long time freand at lowther js. Who told me she has been unwell of late. GET WELL SOON CLARRY YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU !!!!

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i always liked theyre programme and now shes showing her support for hunting, clarrissa for pm

. She was brought up a country girl lived up the road from me in sussex hunted shot and cousing fanatic all her life Boycoted by the bbc for her views. A very very knowledgeable lady
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BBC= Buggering British Children. that doesn't surprise me, I wonder did they do all that making an example out of normal people to take the attention away from theyre dark secrets of covering up child abusing on theyre premises. what they really did was pay pedos to abuse kids. FACT. no hunting is worse than that

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