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As you lads know if youv read my recent post's on here i,v just got my first long net, anyhow, i set 2 X 25 yarders outside a set yesterday while my mate was combineing, i was actully there trying to pick a rabbit up with the pup, which we did, but as a bonus i also picked one up in the net, i know that will be no big deal to some but youv got to start somware, made my day, atb, buster.

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As you lads know if youv read my recent post's on here i,v just got my first long net, anyhow, i set 2 X 25 yarders outside a set yesterday while my mate was combineing, i was actully there trying to pick a rabbit up with the pup, which we did, but as a bonus i also picked one up in the net, i know that will be no big deal to some but youv got to start somware, made my day, atb, buster.

I never take a net caught rabbit for granted, and most of us are the same, it does not matter if it's one or ten the thrill is still there even after all these years. The reason I think I never tire of it is because every situation is different, you have to weigh up where to place the net, how to set it and nearly every time you learn something new.


Your on the road now there is no going back. :thumbs: Welcome to the club.



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Cheers TC, as a bonus the dog never wrecked the net :D , i was hoping to find a job for the dog when out netting but i think i may have been wrong, i,v enough on with the dog only being a 10 month old on its own, i dont think i could cope with the dog and the net in the dark, early days yet i know but i learn't somthing about myself yesterday. Does anyone on here take a dog with them when working the net at night, atb, buster.

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:toast:Running the nets alongside the combine is great fun...

I used to follow the tractors with my nets and curs,...it is suprising what comes out of the standing corn...


Foxes, Deers, Badgers and Hares,..it can get, emotional.. :laugh:


Keep up the netting,...it has an excitement all of its own,.day or night... :thumbs:


All the best, Phil..

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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:toast:Running the nets alongside the combine is great fun...

I used to follow the tractors with my nets and curs,...it is suprising what comes out of the standing corn...


Foxes, Deers, Badgers and Hares,..it can get, emotional.. :laugh:


Keep up the netting,...it has an excitement all of its own,.day or night... :thumbs:


All the best, Phil..




That is a cracking photo Phil.

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:toast:Running the nets alongside the combine is great fun...

I used to follow the tractors with my nets and curs,...it is suprising what comes out of the standing corn...


Foxes, Deers, Badgers and Hares,..it can get, emotional.. :laugh:


Keep up the netting,...it has an excitement all of its own,.day or night... :thumbs:


All the best, Phil..




I were talking to a old boy who used to do abit with the long nets phil, i asked him what was the most difficult thing he ever took out of a long net in the dark, expecting him to say Hedgehog, he said he once had a pig wrapped up in his net :icon_eek: , i bet that took some carrying home :laugh: , atb, buster.

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