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Now the big fat lab has been locked out of the veg garden i had my first real go at growing stick beans this year . (the last time he ate them ) but must say i dont seem to have had many beans off them any advice on where i have gone wrong or is it just luck ?

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This is the best year I have had for runner beans for donkey's years. I have been picking around a kilo a day for the last three weeks, even the neighbours are closing the curtains when they seem me coming with a bag of beans for them now. :laugh:



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Mine in containers in the back yard have done brilliant I have filled out the freezer and they are still coming. Turn your back for 5 minutes and they seem to double in size. Ones in the allotment are just kicking off now as well

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mine seem to have lots of leaf but hardly any blossom or beans i have fed them with tomato plant food . Should i have pinched the top out when they got to the top of the sticks ? Or could it be the sparrows that seem to be in there all the time ?

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I have heard of sparrows and jackdaws picking off the flowers, that could be the reason. I never pinched off mine this year and they have grown to the top of the sticks and are nearly down to the floor and still flowering.


That said, I had my first flowers the first week of July and it was nearly 3 weeks before any of the flowers set they were dropping off like confetti.



Edited by tiercel
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mine seem to have lots of leaf but hardly any blossom or beans i have fed them with tomato plant food . Should i have pinched the top out when they got to the top of the sticks ? Or could it be the sparrows that seem to be in there all the time ?

did you plant them out late oakey?

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i picked 7 pounds of them yesterday, i reckon there will be similar tomoz.................. the plants are absolutely hanging. I have had a very good crop this year, plenty of feeding and water till your sick if the sight of it.

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ours are not so good this year ,me and the mrs like to pick them small and we eat them nearly every day ,we also manage to salt about three one gallon bottles each year but this year we will only do one

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