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I Can't Believe It Another Kiddy Fiddler! And Not Where You Would Expect

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I can't believe it this dirty fuckker has brought shame to a sport that is renound for it's discipline and focus.




I know it's the Daily Mail but wtf I spent years training with one of the Olympic coaches when I was younger never did I come across anything like this, the gentleman that trained me I would trust implicitly with my kids .... Sick fuuck wants his balls cutting off :yes:

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they seem to be everywhere in society i wouldnt trust no one with my kids :thumbs:

This is the problem and the fall out....


In the Judo world NEVER did I experience anything like this or hear of it. I trained with Olympians but never stuck to it myself long enough to have the honour of representing my Country.


I really feel sorry for the hundreds of dedicated coaches who not only love the sport but give up a huge part of their lives (and I do mean huge; comps every week, training twice a week minimum, creating scheduals etc plus bringing people up to Olympic level) They DO NOT deserve to be labeled like this pervert.


It's a real shame people will see this and think "No fuuckin way am I sending my kids there"


I dispair :wallbash:

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It is disgusting , but it wont affect the sport as a whole . people still send kids to gymnastic classes , swimming classes ,and even let them join the scouts , these have all had their problems with nonces , but people still recognise the majority of coaches are still decent ,dedicated people

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My kids go to Ju Jitsu, Scouts and football. As much as you have to know the adults you entrust them to, equally you have to teach your kids from a young age about was is and is NOT ok. And teach them to trust you enough to tell you anything and never keep secrets - because that's how they get them scared enough to stay silent.


Those scum bags are everywhere: schools, churches, sports ... the best defence is offence. Teach your kids to protect themselves, mentally and physically.

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