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Is It The Net Or The Setting?


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Nowt wrong with a zig zag setting as this will put more rabbits in the bag,, same as having a tail at the start and end net.. Its pleasing to see just how many rabbits are accounted for in the tail en

I watched that video a while ago, watching it again It just confirms what I have been saying for years. During the night you slope the pegs away from the oncoming rabbits, for the reason that when th

i have to agree with this   i dont ferret with long nets, i just night time net... and if i know were there are a lot of runs on a particular drop i SOMETIMES pull extre bagging along as the baggin

100% all in the setting. You could have the best gear in the world, but if you cant run it out undetected and to a suitable standard, it be useless. But there does seem to be nets that catch better than others. CW has a small trad he thinks is the bee`s knees and has accounted for more than its fair share.

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Surely the net ?? I'm not very good with long nets at all mostly use them for ferreting but a shit net with hardly any bag will have rabbits bouncing out of it here there and everywhere. With a good net even a novice can get lucky with a shit net it makes you feel like giving up before you've even begun.

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Setting I would say the net needs to be in the right place at the right time in the right conditions. I think if you get that right even a poor net will catch (not well but it will ) compared to a nice quality hand made net made by any of the skilled makers on here if you set it in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong conditions you wont catch or are unlikely.


Saying that if you don't try you won't find out what are the right conditions. Like any thing put the hours in and it will come

I still wear L plates mind this will be my second season coming up

Edited by terryd
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  On 16/08/2013 at 22:31, Hot Meat said:

Yeah but give the experienced dude the better rod and the novice the brush pole an then you will see a vast diffrence, same with nets, imho


Yes of course your right but your choosing the net and setting

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I agree the setting is a big part, but if the net was of no or little importance surely we would all have that sheet netting, cant deny it will still catch, I know that through time an experience I have got nets I grab first when going out, both out the pursenet bag or longnet, some nets just make the job easier/more enjoyable. Just like fising tackle and most other things in life you get what you pay for or put effort into

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  On 16/08/2013 at 22:01, fitchet said:

Surely the net ?? I'm not very good with long nets at all mostly use them for ferreting but a shit net with hardly any bag will have rabbits bouncing out of it here there and everywhere. With a good net even a novice can get lucky with a shit net it makes you feel like giving up before you've even begun.

A good point made, but what if a little extra thought could make that net with hardly any bag, a decent catching net.



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