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**don`t Make The Same Mistake I Did**

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There is alot of topics up now ``NEW PUP`` I know how it feels, the trainning , then it comes time to work em but dont make the same mistake i did,

The story begins with a new 12 week old pup called Blue a deerhound x greyhound 2nd generation 1/2 breed..turned in a strong 26inc broken coated blue dog :yes:


I was 15 years old and it was my first lurcher, had no one to show me the lurcher world only a book, my father only keep springers. So the trainning went smooth, sit & stay, retrieving land and water better than any springer lol. recall 100% .jumping anything you tell him!

All this was great until the season came and he was 7 1/2 months old and i had itchy feet and got a lamp and off after a few bunnies , lamped him 3 nights a week catching an averange of 8 out of 10 per night, he had 14 out of 14 at 9months old, i was proud of him and he done perfect, kept him fit and he got 2 hares during the day at 9 months old , so end of the season came and just keep walking him on the lead and was ready for the year after to see if i could catch a fox with him, He was now 18months old and started back lamping first night he was abit slow, not hitting ditchs, second night didnt want to know what a rabbit was, so as you can picture i was heart broken :cray: , i put him away for a week with no walk and tried again no luck he just stood looking at them , took him to the vets and he was fit and healthy, then i took him to see a hare in the day and he ran him like he was on fire, so the next night went for a lamp again and he didnt want to know what a rabbit was, called a man from the city to see could i go with him and he came down and i watched his dog and tried to get my dog blue` to follow his dog but no luck ,he said `` He has no heart`` But i know he had but i had released i had burnt it out of him , i gave him too much too young , as i was young myself and didnt know any better, so the way it ended was i tried that whole season , tried everything i could and he had less interest in a fox, but the only thing he would ran after was a hare :hmm: He was broken on the rabbits and was sick of them as for fox he hadnt the bottle, but loved coursing a hare :cray: So the marle of the story is to all the young hunters with new pups hold them back till there mature and fully grown 18months is time enough, you dont want your pup ending up the same way my lad did, i rehomed him to a fairly local man for couring hares, the dog is now 11 and still wont look at a rabbit lol, but ran hares for all the years before that, i seen him lately and it made me sad ,i missed him, what a lovely dog to work with and would have given anything to make the fu*ker work right, but im the only one to blame, so lads keep them tied up and you`ll be fine, as for poeple who give out about young lads starting out, you all made mistakes, and think back we all asked stupid questions but not on the internet :yes: so give em a break the lurcher world is a tough world to learn :thumbs: rant over, i f****d up and learned from it so hope you all do too, as for advice on what i should have done then save it :tongue2: All the best in the season coming :victory:

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Every dog is different and needs different ways of entering ... I start all my dogs at ten weeks of age out and about watching a bit of ferreting learning to mark etc ... Sometimes they are only on a warren for ten minuets or out on the lamp for 1 or 2 runs then home ... As they get older they get more work and by 9 months can do a full day ferreting and put a good shift in on the lamp ... I have never had a dog sicken on me yet ... Touch wood ........

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Something happened between 9 months and 18 months. You don't put a dog away after 14/14 rabbits on the lamp and then next time you take it out it doesn't want to know.


I agree with the general moral of the story and I hate seeing people give dogs too much too young.


But what broke the dog? If it was catching and you were succeeding every night on the lamp then that wouldn't break him.

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ern started a little bit later than that 10 month 1st trip 12. then 2nd trip 36,,that season he add 708 rabbit, and a lot of 50,s at that,, and flushed a round the mid 40,s on hares,,,you have not burnt the dog out, that's hits make up,,you never now what dogs are going to do from 1 season to the next,,, iff truth known

Edited by tjones3862
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  On 16/08/2013 at 15:42, tjones3862 said:

ern started a little bit later than that 10 month 1st trip 12. then 2nd trip 36,,that season he add 708 rabbit, and a lot of 50,s at that,, and flushed a round the mid 40,s on hares,,,you have not burnt the dog out, that's hits make up,,you never now what dogs are going to do from 1 season to the next,,, iff truth known

That's some going. I would love to see them sort of numbers!

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litter sister to my old dog, never ran with any commitment on rabbits, ever, yet she would burst her lungs on hares, she was never sickened or even lamped. she just didn't do rabbits, or fox. her brother had no such issues so it may well have been nothing you did, just a quirk with the dog.

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  On 16/08/2013 at 15:54, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 16/08/2013 at 15:42, tjones3862 said:

ern started a little bit later than that 10 month 1st trip 12. then 2nd trip 36,,that season he add 708 rabbit, and a lot of 50,s at that,, and flushed a round the mid 40,s on hares,,,you have not burnt the dog out, that's hits make up,,you never now what dogs are going to do from 1 season to the next,,, iff truth known




Edited by tjones3862
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  On 16/08/2013 at 15:58, tjones3862 said:


  On 16/08/2013 at 15:54, Gaz_1989 said:



  On 16/08/2013 at 15:42, tjones3862 said:


ern started a little bit later than that 10 month 1st trip 12. then 2nd trip 36,,that season he add 708 rabbit, and a lot of 50,s at that,, and flushed a round the mid 40,s on hares,,,you have not burnt the dog out, that's hits make up,,you never now what dogs are going to do from 1 season to the next,,, iff truth known



Haha. I'm on my way up! Lol.


Like I said to you in PM, I don't mind a few hours driving :thumbs:

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  On 16/08/2013 at 15:55, paulus said:

litter sister to my old dog, never ran with any commitment on rabbits, ever, yet she would burst her lungs on hares, she was never sickened or even lamped. she just didn't do rabbits, or fox. her brother had no such issues so it may well have been nothing you did, just a quirk with the dog.

what Breed was she paulus
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  On 16/08/2013 at 16:41, FARGO BOYLE said:


  On 16/08/2013 at 15:55, paulus said:

litter sister to my old dog, never ran with any commitment on rabbits, ever, yet she would burst her lungs on hares, she was never sickened or even lamped. she just didn't do rabbits, or fox. her brother had no such issues so it may well have been nothing you did, just a quirk with the dog.

what Breed was she paulus


lurcher to lurcher mate

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  On 16/08/2013 at 16:46, paulus said:


  On 16/08/2013 at 16:41, FARGO BOYLE said:



  On 16/08/2013 at 15:55, paulus said:

litter sister to my old dog, never ran with any commitment on rabbits, ever, yet she would burst her lungs on hares, she was never sickened or even lamped. she just didn't do rabbits, or fox. her brother had no such issues so it may well have been nothing you did, just a quirk with the dog.

what Breed was she paulus

lurcher to lurcher mate
top drawer buddy :thumbs:
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I've had a couple of dogs that once they entered to a certain type of quarry, stopped really bothering on rabbits: one was a Saluki type bitch who was very good indeed on hares, the other was a Beardie/Greyhound, who started on rabbits, but once she knew about foxes, would either ignore a whole field of rabbits by day to follow a fox scent, or run through a heap of rabbits on the lamp if she'd seen those yellow eyes in the distance. In fairness, if there weren't any foxes around she'd mop up a few rabbits, but is was a bit boring for her: that is the impression she gave me at any rate: retrieved a rabbit, chucked it at me as though to say: "there you go, another bloody rabbit. Now how about looking for some red uns?" Some dogs just wed to a particular quarry, something that really rocks their boat.

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