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Collie Greyhound

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thinking on doing the same got a nice kelpi collie cross bitch, 20" light racy frame working sheep and enjoys hunting, to be honest shes a pleasure to own, thinking of putting a whipxgrey over her

put a pic up rob be nice to see her ..

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I've ran 3/4 breds...one of the best dogs I ever had was a Hancock 3/4 by Taffy away back in the mid 1980s...had some great days and nights...had stamina limits though....greyhoundy feet and was hard

I got a 5/8 grey 3/8 collie from 2 hancock dogs, though not directly from his yard............she's been a honest bitch over the years, switched right on to the ferreting game, a great "companion" dog

Finn my first x collie/grey...   Done all I have asked....looking forward to winter.....          

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Why the first cross lads? Not knocking the cross. Just curious.


I always fancied the 3/4 grey 1/4 collie if I was going down the collie route. But I'm a fan of a racier dog.




Why the first cross lads? Not knocking the cross. Just curious.


I always fancied the 3/4 grey 1/4 collie if I was going down the collie route. But I'm a fan of a racier dog.

id prefer a reverse 3/4 :laugh:

a half x would be more suited to my type of hunting and the ground i run :thumbs:



I've ran 3/4 breds...one of the best dogs I ever had was a Hancock 3/4 by Taffy away back in the mid 1980s...had some great days and nights...had stamina limits though....greyhoundy feet and was hard mouthed from the start....but he'd die trying and almost did once or twice....brilliant fox dog...wasn't the best dog on hares but probably caught more than a lot of good hare dogs...and caught deer all over and was handy on the lamp to everything....loads of fun probably helped by the fact I was young and desperate... :yes:


Wouldn't have another 3/4 bred though...give me a half x or a dog with more collie than greyhound and I am more than happy....I like things a bit more sedate nowadays... :thumbs:







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BS - Thats a fine looking dog.


My recent observations in general have been that unless running certain quarry on big open land. . . . a half x is fast enough to catch whats run. The speed added to a 3/4 doesnt benefit enough to warrent the other stuff that can (not always) be lost. . . . . .just from what i've seen.


Although they are. . . . . fast as f**k. . . .

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Why the first cross lads? Not knocking the cross. Just curious.

I always fancied the 3/4 grey 1/4 collie if I was going down the collie route. But I'm a fan of a racier dog.


id prefer a reverse 3/4 :laugh:

a half x would be more suited to my type of hunting and the ground i run :thumbs:

I remember a small pic of a 3/4 collie 1/4 grey in cmw years ago ,it looked like the Cattle drovers dogs you see in paintings,

Broken coated lean,long legged ,broad head,

Certainly a nice looking dog.

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Everyday I see a cracking, racy collie bitch, that works 1000 + sheep, about 80 cattle, pigs and wild boar, and is also used for hunting. And I know of a good working greyhound dog. But unfortunatly the owner of the collie won't hear of it :cray:

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BS - Thats a fine looking dog.


My recent observations in general have been that unless running certain quarry on big open land. . . . a half x is fast enough to catch whats run. The speed added to a 3/4 doesnt benefit enough to warrent the other stuff that can (not always) be lost. . . . . .just from what i've seen.


Although they are. . . . . fast as f**k. . . .


Jai...he was a good honest dog...and he was pretty damn quick for sure...he stood 27" and weighed close to 80lbs when really fit....he was a big lad... :thumbs:


I agree with you..half x is far more versatile for sure...will take more graft and to be honest the extra 1/4 greyhound probably doesn't bring enough to the table to justify it in my book.... :thumbs:


And to be honest if I ever had been solely running hares on big open land I wouldn't have chosen a 3/4 collie/grey...far better animals out there for that job...

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Everyday I see a cracking, racy collie bitch, that works 1000 + sheep, about 80 cattle, pigs and wild boar, and is also used for hunting. And I know of a good working greyhound dog. But unfortunatly the owner of the collie won't hear of it :cray:

Talk money ;)

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Everyday I see a cracking, racy collie bitch, that works 1000 + sheep, about 80 cattle, pigs and wild boar, and is also used for hunting. And I know of a good working greyhound dog. But unfortunatly the owner of the collie won't hear of it :cray:

Talk money ;)


He lives in a castle . . . . .



B.S Aye. . . true . . . true . . .Fast forward some years and stick your big lad over a fast, racy type long dog, and you got the faster dog, without losing the other stuff maybe. . . . . at least thats i'm keen to find out :laugh:

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Whilst the extra pace of the 3/4 bred dog is handy at times, the amount of knocks they take in the role of a knock about lurcher swings things in favour of the half cross for me. To be honest I would put a straight grey over a collie either, but prefer a racy lurcher to lurcher bred sprint machine with no collie in it. A dash of beddie does seem to make a difference in minimising some of the irritating collie traits than can and do crop up in the straight collie grey

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Whilst the extra pace of the 3/4 bred dog is handy at times, the amount of knocks they take in the role of a knock about lurcher swings things in favour of the half cross for me. To be honest I would put a straight grey over a collie either, but prefer a racy lurcher to lurcher bred sprint machine with no collie in it. A dash of beddie does seem to make a difference in minimising some of the irritating collie traits than can and and crop up in the straight collie grey


I agree with that....some, especially bitches, are so fine they are no more robust that a greyhound....


Not sure about the beddie though... :laugh::laugh::laugh:


This 3/4 bred - 10 months old in the pics - was a nice capable dog but sadly he was killed when he was 16 months old....shame really he was my son's dog and I'm sure he would'a been a decent animal.... :thumbs:





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Racey type collie blooded dog....would be the thing :-)

Racey type collie blooded dog....would be the thing :-)

A good choice, but for me, you would get to many collie variables in the litter. Which is fine if you have a long list a possible new owners for the pups, but these days finding enough collie x enthusiasts to take them all is hard work even with a straight half x let alone some of the racy "one man and his dog" look a likes that would/could occur. I personally like that type, but they don't suit the majority. Even if they could do most of the jobs that the majority would ask of them

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Racey type collie blooded dog....would be the thing :-)

Racey type collie blooded dog....would be the thing :-)

A good choice, but for me, you would get to many collie variables in the litter. Which is fine if you have a long list a possible new owners for the pups, but these days finding enough collie x enthusiasts to take them all is hard work even with a straight half x let alone some of the racy "one man and his dog" look a likes that would/could occur. I personally like that type, but they don't suit the majority. Even if they could do most of the jobs that the majority would ask of them



The problem is though that folk equate raciness as the only asset needed to do the job...and raciness is often the first thing folk look for....I couldn't give a flying f**k how racy something looks and if it was at the non racy end of the litter wastage it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.... :thumbs:


In the past I have seen things like bad feet, cow hocks, turned out elbows, bad mouths, and general overall weakness ignored just 'cause it's racy...and I have seen racy dogs that were slow as f**k....


I was at a local dog show a wee while back and spent a bit of time with a lad whose dog must have the worst conformation of any dog I've seen ....jesus f**k it was like the Frankenstein's monster of the lurcher game...it looked like it was made up of all the defective parts of several different dogs and probably one or two camels - I actually wondered how someone could have ever picked this pup from a litter...but it was racy though... :laugh:

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