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  On 16/08/2013 at 06:52, mollski said:

im not sure yet gaz,ive got another lad who is 6 ,they may get board on a day out I will have to see,why does your daughter go with you ?

She is begging to go mate. She was too young last season but she will come out on a few short trips this season. Just 3-4 hours on a Saturday morning to start with. I know kids get bored easy.


First thing she does on opening her eyes is run up the garden, let the dogs out. Start filling there water up and then go check the ferrets have got water.


If they haven't she takes there bottles down to the tap and fills them up. Lol.


I just have to help her put the bottles back on.


Apart from cleaning them out she does everything for the ferrets and dogs.

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Good to see the youngsters getting involved. :thumbs:


My youngest son Brodie's was 18 month when he went ferreting for the first time. He's coming 7

and still into it aswell as lamping and fishing.



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Good to see other youngsters out with the ferrets....


Think i get a little bit 'picture happy' on here with my lad.....


Im proud as punch of him....


Hes confident with the ferrets....dogs and can shoot a catty....


Has been ferreting a few times.... taken rabbits out the dogs mouth.... set nets and loves stealing the brew flask!!


You will have all seen them before.... but love a good excuse to post pics :laugh:


Rhys... 3 years old.... trainee ferret wrangler....











Edited by Blue Pocket Rocket
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