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I'm not whining, just pointing out that WSM serves as a bridge between rimfire and centrefire in those areas where the forces insist you have rimfire 1st.   As for me, I'm not too worried because if

My reloading kit cost me about 140 quid and I can load some very accurate ammo indeed, it really is not the black art some make out it is, and it is well worth it.

Alsone, sorry, I think I worded my previous post poorly. There is no such thing as "too small a round" for a particular animal per-se. I've seen big red stags shot and cleanly killed with a .22LR (in

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My reloading kit cost me about 140 quid and I can load some very accurate ammo indeed, it really is not the black art some make out it is, and it is well worth it.


Well that's good value.


I can only go off price wise what the friend with the .22-250 said as I don't have an FAC. Obviously he was either wrong or looking at top end equipment.


Certainly seemed to be plenty of euqipment needed when I watched this:



Doesn't look too complicated but the thoughts of repeating that 50 or a hundred times, makes me want to buy!


Yes it is like anything you can spend a fortune on kit if you want, but if like me all you want to do is load a low volume of high quality hunting ammo, a Lee hand press kit (superb bit of kit) around £40.00 some dies, case length gage , trimmer, primer pocket tool, chamfer tool, and a set of scales is really all you need, the last mentioned bits of kit are around £50-£60, and the dies around £35.00 and that is all brand new gear,you can add bits as you go along, and buy some very good second hand kit as well, there is nothing wrong at all with Lee equipment in fact Lee collet dies load some of the most accurate ammo around,with minimum bullet runout, and if you use (as I do) cases that have been fired in your rifle you can just neck size the case and have no need to resise and lube the case and all that fiddling around I load some superbly accurate rounds for my rifle, and would love to see how spending a grand on equipment could possibly improve on this, and to be honest even if loads could be created to better my tiny 100 yard cloverleaf groups, I could not care less I am hunting with it not match shooting @ a 1000 yards.

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I quite simply put the fired cases that I am going to reload into a box and have a little sticker on it that tells me how many times that particular brass has been reloaded, simple and effective, for instance the loads I am using atm will be on the third reload next time they get filled so my little sticker says 2 at the side of the empty cases, then when they are all empty and reloaded or ready to be it will say 3 on it.

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  • 1 month later...

A response I had yesterday ref .17 WSM update:


"Winchester have no plans for Europe at this present time to import the new 17 WSM however this could change next year.

Savage are the only rifles chambered for this round and again this may change but no information has been given. If this round is to be marketed in Europe next year then I would expect it to be announced at the IWA hunting show this March in Germany along with the launch of any manufacturers offerings in rifles chambered for this round.




Andy Norris"

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A response I had yesterday ref .17 WSM update:


"Winchester have no plans for Europe at this present time to import the new 17 WSM however this could change next year.

Savage are the only rifles chambered for this round and again this may change but no information has been given. If this round is to be marketed in Europe next year then I would expect it to be announced at the IWA hunting show this March in Germany along with the launch of any manufacturers offerings in rifles chambered for this round.




Andy Norris"

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A response I had yesterday ref .17 WSM update:


"Winchester have no plans for Europe at this present time to import the new 17 WSM however this could change next year.

Savage are the only rifles chambered for this round and again this may change but no information has been given. If this round is to be marketed in Europe next year then I would expect it to be announced at the IWA hunting show this March in Germany along with the launch of any manufacturers offerings in rifles chambered for this round.




Andy Norris"

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A response I had yesterday ref .17 WSM update:


"Winchester have no plans for Europe at this present time to import the new 17 WSM however this could change next year.

Savage are the only rifles chambered for this round and again this may change but no information has been given. If this round is to be marketed in Europe next year then I would expect it to be announced at the IWA hunting show this March in Germany along with the launch of any manufacturers offerings in rifles chambered for this round.




Andy Norris"


So good he said it 3 times....perhaps now is the time to refer back to #4 on this thread! :thumbs:

Edited by Deker
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There's a new video here if you want new content - some Prairie dog and Rabbit shooting (2 weeks old):




Its certainly fast there's a Prairie dog at 197 yds at 5 mins approx and you can hardly tell any gap between noise and hit.


There's also a rabbit headshot and its practically decapitated.

Edited by Alsone
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There's a new video here if you want new content - some Prairie dog and Rabbit shooting (2 weeks old):




Its certainly fast there's a Prairie dog at 197 yds at 5 mins approx and you can hardly tell any gap between noise and hit.


There's also a rabbit headshot and its practically decapitated.


It seems we are in for a long wait yet to see this calibre in the UK, and the simple fact is virtually every one of those shots was WELL within HMR territory anyway.


If you want to see some destruction before they arrive perhaps this will help, you can buy the calibres that did this here already. ONE rifle shot in each case.


Just in case there is any confusion they are (were) both rabbits!

Edited by Deker
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hea deker what were those two rabbits shot with? Im guessing it was the .17 Hornet? thanks.


Yeah that was my guess straight away looking at the destruction and knowing what calibres Deker likes. Could easily be .243 though as I've seen similar destruction from that. The difference is though rimfire vs centrefire. Someone without a fox permission might get .17wsm for long range rabbit eg golf course something like that especially as there's an argument in favour given .17HMRs notorious wind drift and wsm's stability, so you could easily argue safety. I doubt you'd get centrefire without a minimum of fox on your cert.

Edited by Alsone
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I think the .17 Hornet would be the closest calibre we have to the .17 WSM and saying that I think the .17 Hornet would still cause more damage as it is 600 fps faster than the .17 WSM but the .17 WSM is nearly 500 fps faster than the .17 HMR so after some videos iv seen and the damage to the two rabbits above I think the .17 WSM might be a bit to much for rabbit but a good foxing gun. I don't see the point in over kill you cant even feed a dog with over kill never mind feed yourself.

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I don't have anything between my .22WMR and my .223.


I can blast a rabbit with a .308 sometimes and you can't even see the hole, other times you can get it right with a rimfire and the destruction is massive.


Those pictures are somewhat exceptional, even for the calibres/ammo used (different in each case).


That's life, do it enough and that happens sometimes! :thumbs:

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