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i have never thought of the use of removal blankets, certainly are quite cheap but has anyone used them?? Am trying to decide what to use in the kennel (first set up), was thinking lay soft equine bedding and one or two blankets. :unsure:

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The problem with. Lad kegs in the winter is that even if the dog goes in damp the blankets will get wet and stay wet ... So unless you are going to change blankets twice a day they are useless ... As has been said throughout this thread vetbed is the best way to go .........

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I've just switched to shredded wax paper.


Not had it in for long enough to say much about it yet but the dogs seem to like it. Can make them a really deep bed out of it. 2 foot or more. I went in early and my pup was like a piece of toast.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Rob do you have a picture of what your building ,couple of ideas maybe i can run by you if i could get an idea of what you have so far.I use easy matt products .They are really good as a base then work from there all being they dont chew it lol......one day my bull mastiff thinks he is a deer the next day a :ninja: goat

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