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Lurchers Training

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Recently got my first lurcher and will be bringing her out ferreting and lamping hopefully, just wondering how everyone else stops their dog from trying to kill the ferret or sheep, cows ect? Any help would be greatly appreciated, Sam

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You will be in for fun and games if it's never seen stock or ferrets before...


I would not show it any work mate, till it's doing the basics and is steady around stock..


If it's not been broken to stock you need to introduce it them in a controled manner. Keep your dog on a lead and correct him if showing intrest in them. Take it slowly. Once you think he's not going to pile in to them step it up. I get mine in the sheep make them sit, then walk away making them stay then I call them in a reward. That's when he has a choice to chase them - he should know it's wrong and come to your command for a treat. Once your confident walk him freely among the sheep.


It might be straight forward or he might have never been stock broken or worst a stock worrier..


Ferrets I just hold them let the dogs sniff them.. I let the dogs see them in the ferret hutch or court they get used to them. Some folk let them eat from same bowl. I don't my dogs would protect there grub from another dog so doubt they would accept a ferrets face in there tea..


Others ways mate, that's just how I go about it..


But honestly don't take it out until it's recall and stock breaking is done or your setting yourself and the dog up to fail ...


Good luck

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