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mixy rabbits

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I came back with one from my walk this morning with the dogs. I gave the head to the ferrets then chopped the rest in half for the dogs. In may not look very appetising to a human but dogs and ferrets don't have our sensitivities and they can't get anything from it so, "waste not: want not" I say. :thumbs:

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:thumbdown: Just wouldnt fancy giving the dogs second rate feed,or a ferret, any mixy rabbit doesnt get brought home, each to his own though. :victory:



Same here, you get out what you put in :yes: Mind you, I'd feed it to the wife....... :whistling:

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well the ferrets dont need to preform as hard as the dogs plus id presonaly prefer to lose a ferret then a dog


:no: This is becoming a regular occurance mate.


Typing a reply without switching on your brain :hmm:


Anyone that goes out ferreting all day with both dog and ferret will surely agree


that the ferret will do a lot more work chasing the rabbits about underground than

the dog will do standing over the burie waiting for a bolter. :hmm:


You might prefer to lose a ferret than a dog :doh: I wouldn't like to lose either,I can

assure you, you won't lose either from feeding them myxy rabbits.

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well the ferrets dont need to preform as hard as the dogs plus id presonaly prefer to lose a ferret then a dog


:no: This is becoming a regular occurance mate.


Typing a reply without switching on your brain :hmm:


Anyone that goes out ferreting all day with both dog and ferret will surely agree


that the ferret will do a lot more work chasing the rabbits about underground than

the dog will do standing over the burie waiting for a bolter. :hmm:


You might prefer to lose a ferret than a dog :doh: I wouldn't like to lose either,I can

assure you, you won't lose either from feeding them myxy rabbits.


i agree if i wasnt confident about the affects of what i had to feed i wouldnt use it for anything.

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just like to add that i personally would not feed mixy rabbits to my ferrets. with all the rabbits that we catch why not just feed it a good healthy rabbit. :hmm:


would anyone here eat meat or a meal they wernt comfortable with ? i treat my ferrets as my buddies, after all they do a hell of a job for me, and help to pay the bills.





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fair enough i guess i just dont seem to have the same conection with my ferrets as [bANNED TEXT] blokes seem to secondly i run my dogs alot more then i use my ferrets and i dont use my ferrets with my dogs because my dogs r better off running down a fox then muking around with rabbits my ferrets feed them and my dogs thats it

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