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Entering A Hare Dog Properly

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Out of curiosity, what's peoples opinions on the correct way to bring on a coursing dog? (Pre ban)


I hear so much conflicting info on the subject. Some people say get them taking rabbits confidently first. Then show them some lamped leverets then double up on lamped hares, day hares until eventually running winter hares on their own.

Then I also hear the complete opposite, never show them a rabbit or anything in the lamp and neverdouble tthem up or theyll end up jacking when the time comes to run strong hares.


Having heard both ends of the scale from experienced dog men I'm wondering if each dog responds to different methods best or if it's more a case of some of these experienced dog men not really having a clue.


Look forward to your replies



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most hare men would consider it a sin to lamp a hare never mind a leveret, double them up for a run or two so they get a good look at the hare and a kill to start them, depending on breed and size 9 months begin doing abit if you think they are ready, should be giving a good account of themselves single handed by then , a bitch will always start earlier and develop quicker

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FFS.... what next?? How do you steal a car??


Listen people, coursing is illegal in Great Britain now. Putting 'pre ban' after asking the question makes no difference. If you must, then do it via PM, not on the open forum!


Sorry, but locked up.

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