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just pulled up in car park to take dog a quick shine and seen a metorite!! clear as f**k and then just fizzled out!! apparently theres a one a year thing going on tonight (malt??) so keep your eyes on the sky lol

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Seen about 20 of them the other night theres a miterite shower going on thats why where seeing so many lately. Seen some weirdo's watching them about 3 in the morning and they said it will be at its best last night and tonight.

Edited by Bazil brush
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A pretentious smart arse would correct you and say , you saw a meteor , they are only meteorites when they come to earth .if this happens tell them to fek off and get a life .

i had to google that to check you were serious stan........... :laugh::laugh:


BUT wow what a night for them......... :icon_eek: seen about 10 altogether but the first one was the best by far went right across the sky as clear as day!!!............nights like that are what make lamping special.......... :yes:


blanked tho lol but was just nice to be out on a night like that!!! oh and seen a tawny chick in an oak tree that i can remember seeing them in as a kid when out with my dads old dogs......... :)



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perfect pic of an owl, very difficult to get a pic like that..................................well i dont see many :thumbs: nice pic mate! atb foxtails

cheers mate..........it was took on my phone but now i no there still there im gonna go back with my digital camera for some better shots............the noisy little kunts gave the game away to all the rabbits there tho........... :D

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