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Rescue Ferrets Any Good, Bit Pressed For Time?

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Evening All,



Am I right in presuming you cant go wrong with a pair of ferrets rescued from RSPCA etc ? ( I know saying RSPCA is like saying voldermort but its the nearest rescue centre to me in Oldham)

Surely there natural instinct will kick in the moment they go down a hole and smell the rabbit etc?


I have finally got land permission on a farm up Lancashire/Yorkshire border and just last night a huge 250 acre permission came through in Yorkshire where they have had to pay people in spring to clear out rabbits previously, So im panicking now, its all finally falling into place and after must asking and stress I have the land just need the ferrets! Kits will be too young to enter this season???? so adults are the only option.


Any Feedback Much Appreciated??

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Personally i find taking on a rescue for work with an unknown background a bit risky, ive had rescues out working that were nothing compared to my worker bred jill. One rescue avoided going to ground altogether, just trotted away above ground. But that doesn't mean they will all be like that. Just, its a bit of a lucky dip. Some people give up ferreting and personally give the ferrets to the rescues so its worth asking about. You might get lucky and get a good worker or even one that just needs a bit extra time out in the field.

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As said there a unknown quality you pay's your money and takes your chance , the only good side will be a lot will be donated by folk that work there ferrets and have breed them and cant get rid of the kits

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Mmmm Im sure there was a thread the other day asking how much a Vasectomised hob (worker) and 3 Working Jills were worth..?


To you I would say quite a lot ?


Rescue ferrets are usually nuetered so if they are good workers you cant breed from them..


Put up a post on here and ask if any of the lads have got any spare .


If I was you i would try and get a couple of decent kits and at least 1 good proven worker to hopefully show the kits the ropes and get you straight onto the job without any messing about.


You might be suprised what you get offered if you just ask nicely. . ;)

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I took in two rescues 6 years ago, a hob and a jill, the jill is still going strong and entering her 6th season this winter, the hob was a little big for ferreting, so he's my older snipped jill shagger, and he's still going strong too :D

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I got a adult jill once the jill was free then they charged me a fiver for a cardboard box to take her to the car park to put in my carrying box :laugh: , She was tiny and i figured try her then if she goes breed from her next year , it went to ground okay it was like a summers day out for her she bolted nothing and took all day to do one burrow , then she would only eat dry grub turned its nose up at rabbit even if i left it in a couple of days and waited to see if she would eat it . Never again :laugh::laugh:

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  On 13/08/2013 at 09:52, The one said:

I got a adult jill once the jill was free then they charged me a fiver for a cardboard box to take her to the car park to put in my carrying box :laugh: , She was tiny and i figured try her then if she goes breed from her next year , it went to ground okay it was like a summers day out for her she bolted nothing and took all day to do one burrow , then she would only eat dry grub turned its nose up at rabbit even if i left it in a couple of days and waited to see if she would eat it . Never again :laugh::laugh:


Same with my rescue jill, only will only eat dry, but mine works fine, its just a shit that I have to buy her a kilo of dry every now and then, while I have a freezer full of rabbits :D

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If they did neuter ferrets getting a HOB from there might be a bonus then ? May actually save a few quid??


My only worry is, the misses has alloted me a small space in the garden for ferrets, theres no way ill be allowed another cage elsewhere this was a ballache enough to get, so if the rescue ferret doesnt perform im fuc#!@d

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