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All the shooting and scores will be added to the new episode of VHTV that is just uploading to YouTube.   In a nut shell and in advance of the clip, here they are:   Springer round   1st place G

because i have been away and out of practise,can i have a bonus round would be nice if the lads who have travelled a distance, would win this as it would help in there fuel money

Bang my name on the list then,i can't resist the smell of loot lol

I think that you could be right ref the Falcon pellets Rob.


Mine love them massively.


If i win the money tomorrow i am sending it to Treats4BritishTroops :yes: .


Them squaddies better not be holding their breath though :laugh: .

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Got the "no where near" Ultra SE packed for round 1, and the crappy HW98 springer for round 2. My excuses are that I'm using 2 crappy rifles



Aint life a Bitch LOL


Rob think you should give the 98 to me mate via sfs first of course, saves any worries then :thumbs:

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At the minute I'm shooting .177 for both rifles mate.


But If its really windy in the morning I'm bringing my .22 HW100KT and the .22 HW97KT.


Would be nice to give the old .22 HW97KT a run out again.

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still don't think i will make it,got back today,to find the battery flat on the new car, :censored::censored: and the back tyre flat. :censored::censored: had to wait for the AA who charged the battery and got us on our way 1.5hrs later after a 9hr flight.


finally got home i went to pick the dogs ups from there boarding kennels,went to start the car again "no go" :censored::censored:

thought it would of held its charge after travelling for 1.5hrs :censored::censored:


got on the phone to Joanne to see if we could jump it with my leads from the van,to try and save some time :censored::censored: a no go! :censored:

rang the AA who said they would turn up in a hour :censored:


then as we were discussing taking the dogs home to get settled,j herd a noise like a tyre going over stones,she only hadn't applied the hand brake correctly on me van,and it rolled down a slight hill,and nearly into a :censored: ditch,and four oncoming cars :censored::censored::censored:

i was trying to stop i,whilst still wearing a pair of :censored::censored: flip flops!


Joanne has never stopped me from going shooting & never will,so forgive me if i don't :censored: turn up Sunday


hope you have :censored: better day than i had Saturday!

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