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Daystate Huntsman Regal Or Bsa R10 Camo

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  On 11/08/2013 at 20:35, magnummike said:

I shot a regal a couple of weeks ago it was a lovely rifle and shot some realy tight groups at 3Om it as in .177 flavor . If you realy must have the R1O buy a Rapid :thumbs:

No if you must have an R10, buy a Super 10! A Rapid is a beast unlike any other (and also very highly recommended)!

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It's really easy to slate the R10, it's been a popular pass time on forums for years, but frankly, my late mark 1. R10 is simply awesome! Yes, it was used when I bought it and after 6 months I had it serviced and it went from good to brilliant, all PCPs need a service at some point! I would happily buy another.


That said, a choice between the camo'ed version and the Regal is a no brainer, Regal all the way. The resale value of the R10 will plummet as not only do you have to get through the hordes that will not hear a positive word about a BSA product and then, you have to find the ones that like the camo version.


The Regal has everything, massive fan base, solid performance and excellent looks. Most people are happy to overlook any common fault as it's a Daystate (see Range Rover for comparison) and will pay for improvements. Also, it's not camoed!


Good luck with your decision!

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