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Okay. I've watched that a couple of times now and I really can't seem to figure out exactly what happens there. I've never ridden a moterbike, which may account for it.


Are those trucks moving? I can't really be sure. And, is it that he's simply going to fast to stop himself?

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The trucks are stopped its like every time theres a queue you get a motor bike weaving threw it to get to the front . this time it knocked some sense into him


Bit harsh.


He wont do that again so hows it a bit harsh . and he told the woman motorist that came to his aid he couldn't stop so he was also speeding he contributed 100 % to his own accident , just a good thing nobody else was hurt

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Cheers, lads. With that information on board, I just watched it again. Guy's a c***. Ye could see the road ahead was completely blocked from way back. If he couldn't register that fact and then stop himself in that distance? Yep. Obviously going way too fast for safety.


If he wasn't, he'd have safely stopped.

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Cheers, lads. With that information on board, I just watched it again. Guy's a c***. Ye could see the road ahead was completely blocked from way back. If he couldn't register that fact and then stop himself in that distance? Yep. Obviously going way too fast for safety.


If he wasn't, he'd have safely stopped.

Yep sounds a fair appraisal of it to me.

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