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Whos Rabbit Is It ??

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On one of the bits of land i hunt the land is divided by a fence between the two farms!!! Now all the rabbits come from the other farmer (anti hunting) The rabbits come each night and feed on my bit of land now this is where the problem starts as i snare the fence its ok as long as the rabbits die on my side of the fence they are left alone!! If they die on the other side of the fence and he or his workers see them first they pick them up and keep the rabbits and the snares but tell me they have not seen or touched anything (I’ve seen them myself walking back to the tractor with a still kicking rabbit.

So the question is who does the rabbit belong to???


PS the cost of the fence was shared by both land owners the photo is just to show you what i mean



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Do the rabbits bolt easily,wait til they are out in your farmers fields ,set a longnet up along the fence when they are feeding and drive them into it,if he's a anti they won't take long to recover in numbers,

Also why are they taking te rabbits if he's against hunting ?


it looks a nice place to run a long net

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