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Ready To Snap ! Bsa R10 Help

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help please on my r10 mk1 ive had it a month or so now and its been fine as it was a new gun had 20 pellets or so through it , ive shot loads of rabbits ect with it , anyway i checked my zero this morn set it at 30 yards all sweet then put the gun away four hours later got it out to show the old man it i shot at the same target and there was a 5 inch drop this happend for 10 shots then it went back to bang on t 30 yards how i zerod it :-s HELP ADIVICE ANYTHING PLEASE !

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If you don't want to pay the bowkett blue print then keep sending it back to BSA mate until they get it right.


It's a shame that BSA are sending these rifles out probably knowing that they will come back at some stage!! I sent mine back twice but the problems were never sorted despite the report coming back saying it was fixed and had been tested. In the end I decided to just pay the money and send it off to JB with the assurance that when I got it back I knew it would be fit for purpose and exactly how they should be and better.

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If you don't want to pay the bowkett blue print then keep sending it back to BSA mate until they get it right.


It's a shame that BSA are sending these rifles out probably knowing that they will come back at some stage!! I sent mine back twice but the problems were never sorted despite the report coming back saying it was fixed and had been tested. In the end I decided to just pay the money and send it off to JB with the assurance that when I got it back I knew it would be fit for purpose and exactly how they should be and better.


I think the manufacturer's warranty on a MK 1 R10 will be long expired iana, which is why I suggested going to JB! Get the job done properly and a full blueprint too!


Edited to add, the Mk 1 was superseded by the Mk 2 in 2011, seeing as BSA warranties last for 2 years from date of purchase by original owner, the chances of BSA sorting this out for free are slim to non existent!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Bsa shouldn't send them out if they aren't right knowing they will be back for a cheap fix send it to John bowkett he will fix the problem and make the gun shoot better mine went for an up graded blueprint shoots better than before well worth the money ask everyone who has had it done I am getting a t10 as soon as I sell my hw97k and that will be getting the John bowkett treatment

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i bought a scorpion t10 brand new,and it wouldnt shoot straight,i tried differant pellets differant scopes silencer on and off,missing out on shooting time.sent it back to bsa and it was returned saying it needed the barrel recrowning.in fairness they didnt charge but not even anappology.to me it should of been right when they sent it out.

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Thing is when the gun was sent out it probably was right. Just BSA used the wrong o rings in the regulator which crumble and collapse causing problems.

Please give us an insight as to where this info comes from?


And what shur should they have been using? or was it the wrong material to start with?

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Guest scramble

This is the main reason I'll never buy a BSA. My pal bought a brand new r10, shot 20-30 pellets, filled his bottle and it dumped all its air from the fill valve. Sent back to BSA within 12 hours of purchase.

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Its a shame really , as the S10 has a good following . I will say that i used an R10 that a mate borrowed me and i was impressed by it , in fact i did consider getting one . i just think that BSA need a kick up the arse , mind you that said Air Arms , and most manufactures could do with actually LISTENING to their customer base also , that way they could instead of trying to cut costs , improve their relationship with the people that are loyal to them ..

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Its a shame really , as the S10 has a good following . I will say that i used an R10 that a mate borrowed me and i was impressed by it , in fact i did consider getting one . i just think that BSA need a kick up the arse , mind you that said Air Arms , and most manufactures could do with actually LISTENING to their customer base also , that way they could instead of trying to cut costs , improve their relationship with the people that are loyal to them ..



Never to truer word said.

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