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Gundog Training

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about 10 minutes a day of structured training i.e. memory retrieves blinds etc. but every walk is a chance to do something even if its just heelwork. What I have found useful is that my vizsla follows my lurcher bitch everywhere at speed and getting him to drop to whistle even when he is super hyped up has worked a treat.


But I would rather not train if I am in a bad mood or tired as its easy to make mistakes with a sensitive dog. And sometimes you just need time to have a sit and think about what to do next

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When they are pups keep it simple .dont keep throwing dummies ..dont scold to harsh for mistakes ....as said make play and feeding all part of training ,getting them to sit just before you feeding........ dont put them through heavy cover that will come as they grow TOO MUCH to soon will spoil your pup 20 MINUTES a day 10 in morning 10 afternoon always finish on a good NOTE ,,,,, Giving the dog plenty of praise.......... Good luck .happy hunting......... :thumbs:

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