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I know alot of you lads keep the ferrets in hutches which is fine but for those that keep them in ferret courts or have got runs for them don't you think they have got great personalities?


My kits must be 10-12 weeks old now and they are little buggers trying to establish a pecking order. So funny to watch them scrapping and arguing.


I've got a kennel in the court and they have just learnt to climb onto it to fight for top place :laugh:


I also picked up a young hob last night. Half the size of my kits and completely unsocialised. Scared of people and other ferrets, won't share food and just bites hard every time you try to pick him up. The lad I had him off had to handle with a welding glove. It's only about 12 weeks.


Amazing what 24 hours regular handling and socialising with 5 other kits can do...




Will upload a video of the kits playing later.

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Dont know if its anything to do with personality but my jills are being a pain in the ar*e just now squabbling

2 of mine are pretty bad and it seems to get heated but no blood drawn.


The others don't bother the top 2. It's like they know their categories and fight among themselves :laugh:

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I've had many ferrets and have had contact with many mates' ferrets and I can honestly say that they do all have their own personalities. Some have stronger characters than others etc some are shy some confident cos they are all individuals. I have to say though that the animal with the 'most personality' has to be my European polecat hybrid who's currently a very well socialised 4 month old kit. He is very different From my ferrets.

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