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Concrete base

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dont ya have any pals in athe trade that will lend you a cement mixer ??


me and my pal laid a base straight on to flags i had to buy 2 ton of sand and stone £40 and he got the cement free from work :whistling:


i mixed he slapped it in took us a morning and then waiting to polish it ect if is hot it will gan off fast mine fecking did..



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Well it could have been worse :yes: , we were doing footings last week, just me and the Mrs, got a 3.4cu.m load of ready mix for the job with enough left to lay a path in front of the Springers run, well that was the plan :icon_eek:

Me 54, still thinking I was 18, forgetting about my dodgy shoulder and the fact I'd been ill all week end, couldn't have picked a hotter day, load came mid afternoon, all we had to do was barrow it around to the other side of the house in the middle of me throwing up everywhere, when..................we ran out of time :icon_eek: , finished the footings, but by now the mix was "off" :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


I'll have to get a shot of the mound of concrete we now own :whistling: ............Al :drink:

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  borderboy said:
rofl.... whoops.... anyone got anytips about to how to join the two slabs....?



Just "butt" the end off with a piece of timber, so say your original slab was 10 X 6, you will now have a slab of say 10 X 4, with the bit left that you haven't finished today. Then get a bit more ballast and mix it for the rest.

You could leave the timber in if you wanted, save it cracking when it "moves" with the temp. change :thumbs:


Here's our work of art :haha:



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  borderboy said:
lol... you should have sent it over here....


........... :laugh::laugh:


A ton isnt as much as a cubicM lads...... :thumbs:


I layed 2.5mtrs today, but I had it dropped of the back of the cement truck in all it took 2 hrs to trowel up and it was a doddle, dont count out the ready mix firms they are pretty competative :thumbs: . I payed £60 extra to escape the priveledge of knocking up 4 ton and paying in back ache for a few days :no: and your guaranteed consistant mix...... :drink:

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how much is a ton in cu.m then...? I think we would have been ok if the hardcore layer had been leveller(?)... but as it stood it ended up as a f**k up.... lol .... were gonna put a layer of scalpings, or whatever, in the base of the other, so we dont make the same mistake twice....!

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Hello mate ...


a Ton is around .7 of a cubicM


My advice is get two ton of ballast delivered and the cement ......that should be enough for you to finish whats left on the other slab and be enough for your other slab :thumbs:


Dont bother with the hardcore mate.....for what you want it for just stick a bit of mesh in it for about £20 that will do you :big_boss:


Any problems mate, I will help you out if you lived close enough I would lay it for you :blink:


I mite be a learner on the dog side .....but I do know a bit about Lanscaping :whistling: happy to help :good:

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Thanks, we got the first one finished today without to much problem.... we almost used 2 ton of ballast as it is... hoping to get the second one layed over the weekend...

If i ever have to do it again you'll have a job... its a f*****g nightmare when you dont have a clue what your doing... but i'm learning fast....

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