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Ad On Side Of Van Deemed Racist

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An mp has called for an inqiry into the border controll agencys use of in his word s " this shocking use of Racist terminoligy on the side of the van , we are encouraging. Racists he went on to say We can manage immergration withought this type of Zenophobia , lol lol. 1.5 million wont fit in the back of that van mate !!!!!!

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it really is getting unbelievable now :icon_eek:


Human rights organisations have said the government's targeting of illegal immigrants over the past two weeks is creating a climate of fear and intolerance that threatens to put race relations back decades.

Amnesty, Refugee Action and Freedom from Torture say in a letter published in the Guardian that the Home Office's Go home campaign, which saw vans touring six London boroughs urging those in Britain illegally to "Go home or face arrest", was a cynical ploy that would foster hostility to minority groups and undermined the UK's "commitment to provide sanctuary under the Refugee Convention".

strange :hmm: as i thought it said "if your here illegally, go home or get arrested" :whistling: they are even offering to HELP them return :victory:

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  On 09/08/2013 at 15:36, paulus said:

it really is getting unbelievable now :icon_eek:


Human rights organisations have said the government's targeting of illegal immigrants over the past two weeks is creating a climate of fear and intolerance that threatens to put race relations back decades.

Amnesty, Refugee Action and Freedom from Torture say in a letter published in the Guardian that the Home Office's Go home campaign, which saw vans touring six London boroughs urging those in Britain illegally to "Go home or face arrest", was a cynical ploy that would foster hostility to minority groups and undermined the UK's "commitment to provide sanctuary under the Refugee Convention".


Biggest problem here is that all those organisations you've mentioned are heavily saturated with immigrants themselves.

Also can't quite see what's racist about the advert on that van, not like it says fcuk off home you black bstards, which in reality is what it should say.



strange :hmm: as i thought it said "if your here illegally, go home or get arrested" :whistling: they are even offering to HELP them return :victory:

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  On 09/08/2013 at 16:49, nothernlite said:


  On 09/08/2013 at 15:31, ragumup said:


  On 09/08/2013 at 15:14, fatasafool said:

What did it say

He referred to third world countries as "bongo bongo lands" that we are giving a million pounds a month too in aide..


is it not a billion a month?


it certainly is, ;)

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just a thought, 78% of all MP`s are millionaires, They always go on about getting into politics to give something back, well how about all MP`s working for nothing until austerity measures are no longer needed, after all were all in this together :whistling: in tough times the phrase "charity begins at home" should mean more to our ruling classes :thumbs:

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The human right act needs scraping the vile legal proffosinals who have rode the gravy train since its inseption should be investigated Blairs horse faced wife should be investigated RE serving priminster and his conveniently placed wife being a civil rights lawer. !!!!!!

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I saw this on the news about two week ago,,,and I honestly couldn't believe my ears ,,, when that stupid mp woman said it was racist.....


How the f**k stating a fact is racist is beyond me,,, hopefully common sence will prevail,,, but I dowt it....


In fact no...what needs to happen is that cretinous mp needs to be brought to book for jumping on the racist bandwagon

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