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Half Arsed Dogs

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Just wondering what ppl would do with a half arsed lurcher thats roughly 12 month old bearing in mind ive no lamp and my ferrets come back at end of month by half arsed I mean not fully committed in a run but wants the rewards at the end

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Its only a pup fellah. Some take longer to mature than other stop running anything with him and take him ferreting in the season get him used too rabbits/his mouth/the chase/the kill/ what lifes about

You asked , got some decent replies off people trying to be helpful , and then you call them ! if I wasn't such a polite mild mannered sort of man I would call you a ..proper kunt .

Breed pups from it.....

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Its only a pup fellah. Some take longer to mature than other stop running anything with him and take him ferreting in the season get him used too rabbits/his mouth/the chase/the kill/ what lifes about really. He could be running them and not really got the confidence to acctaully know what too do as of yet?....Certainly dont give up now all the hard workd done now its 12 months few more months when things click could be a diffrent dog.... Could also be its lame/injuryed pups are headless chicken at times and give them selfs all manner of injurys?


Atb it

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Yeah no intention of selling or giving the dog away it will never be bred from ever it is staying till it dies that was my intention to show it rabbits whilst ferreting and try get it working well that and try itaagain next season once its fully mature

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Its still a pup mate , have you been letting it chase rabbits down the side of hedgerows that it has no chance of catching ? that will soon sicken it mate , give it time , if you get it out ferreting make its first few rabbits as easy as possible , as said maybe take it out with another dog and let jealousy play its part , you said youv got it for life , so whats the hurry / enjoy it and don't dwell on what it cant do ,atb

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You Cant just bring a dog up from a pup and expect it to pick bunnies up on every run it need experience let it see an experienced dog run.and when you think the dog seems ready fined the biggest field with bunnies in the middle give the dog a fair chance of catching it

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f**k me the amount of so called armchair keyboard hunters that turn up on this site and spout utter shite from their arse on what ppl should and shouldnt do make experience in running dogs is more than enough to know when n were to slip a pup on a rabbit and [BANNED TEXT] you let the said dog run a half grown rabbit thats sat tight in a field and it watches it run off then you question the dog not your methods

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