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Fitter Type English Bull Terrier

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That Tinker belonged to an old school pal of mine from the mid 60's, and we still hunt together albeit at a slower pace. Tinker and Handy ( Red Hand of Ulster to give him his full name) were both bred

One for those interested in Wheatens... from the 1970s.... I had to crop it as the man in photo might not like it,,,    

No there was a wee dog from Limerick called "The Gallant Hendrix", Handy and Tinker, which were the only dogs of this breed I remember seeing certifying, which may be a contributing factor as to why t

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On the same forum there was a fella from Afghanistan claiming they were stil using English bull terriers lines first brought over during the British empire .game and athletic dogs that looked different to the kc English bulls.

There's photos on the Internet of that type

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There surely isnt much traditional work for the English bull left,but an athletic specimen could guard,bush,maybe even be shot over.


i plan on getting a good example in the next couple of years and seeing what they are capable of,legally.

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Never forget, Hinks was a dandy, he bred his Bull Terrier for the bench and the coin, that is fact. Those new breed battles told in the history books hold little ground. Bull Terriers were/are a fashion, no more no less. Bred for form not function.


Now if you have a mind to, as i did once, you can find and have fun with one. Find yourself a cod head with a bit of go and it will surprise, the easily surprised...


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What terrier if any is in the apbt? Or would it just be a bulldog? And also what else went into the make up of them?

I've always said that the most pure bred breeds of dogs are the American Pit Bull, the Greyhound and the Foxhound and of the three of them I'd say the APBT is the most pure bred.

Yes, he might have been called other names over the years but the truth is that he goes back to the dog that was the original Bulldog (the breed nowadays known as the bulldog is a modern reconstructed breed) and as he was the gamest of breeds there was not another breed that could be used as an outcross.

His standard was not on the showbench and because he was bred for function, not form, is the reason he comes short, tall, cobby, racey, every possible colour and ranges from 20 lbs to 120 lbs.

His blood might have been used in many other breeds but their blood was not used in his.

Don't let anyone tell ya different.


It's been said that the best producer in bulldogs of all time was half pointer


Don't know or care if it's true, but the owner and breeder never categorically denied it I believe

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I never heard that and wouldn't believe it for one second.

When it comes to best producers within a breed it's always a matter of opinion anyway but I wouldn't believe there's pointer in the APBT.


People always want to scrutinize things and when it comes to dog breeds every one wants to know what went in to the breeding.

If you're serious about your chosen breed for work then the last 30 years is more important than the previous 300.

If however you want to go back 100s of years to find out whats in a breed then why stop at 100s of years ?

Why not go back 1000s ? That way you can tell everyone your Jack Russell or Springer Spaniel actually has Wolf in it's breeding. It's all a bit silly really.


But one thing is for sure and that APBT fanciers know for a fact that in the last 180 years the only blood that has gone into that breed is APBT blood, whether it was called bulldog, bull and terrier, pit bull, American Staff or whatever it was all the same breed.

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What terrier if any is in the apbt? Or would it just be a bulldog? And also what else went into the make up of them?

I've always said that the most pure bred breeds of dogs are the American Pit Bull, the Greyhound and the Foxhound and of the three of them I'd say the APBT is the most pure bred.

Yes, he might have been called other names over the years but the truth is that he goes back to the dog that was the original Bulldog (the breed nowadays known as the bulldog is a modern reconstructed breed) and as he was the gamest of breeds there was not another breed that could be used as an outcross.

His standard was not on the showbench and because he was bred for function, not form, is the reason he comes short, tall, cobby, racey, every possible colour and ranges from 20 lbs to 120 lbs.

His blood might have been used in many other breeds but their blood was not used in his.

Don't let anyone tell ya different.

It's been said that the best producer in bulldogs of all time was half pointer

Don't know or care if it's true, but the owner and breeder never categorically denied it I believe



The Bull-Dog Barely Survives


Hugh Dalziel, an authority on English dogs, wrote that the fighting Bull-Dog had become exceedingly rare and was looked upon as a "relic of a barbarous and bygone age". Writers as early as 1792 reported the breed on the decline. In 1803 one writer reported that a great number of dogs had been taken abroad, obtaining 'great prices'.

Unfortunately, he doesn't say where they were sold. But, a curios footnote to this period is found in the memoirs of a well-known dog breeder, Baron von Moensch, who imported Bull-Dogs and White English Terriers to Germany to develop what he called the 'Fighting Terrier'. In 1812, a friend of the baron's, a man named Count Francis, took some of the baron's fighting dogs to France and Spain where he crossed them with Pointers and French Bull-Dogs. The crosses, however, did not improve the fighting Terrier and fell into disrepute around 1833.

One Bull-Dog fancier, H.Boynton, Esq., claimed to own the last real Bull-Dogs in existence. His dogs appear in the engraving entitled "Wasp, Child and Billy" (May 15, 1809).


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