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Milked Up Bitch - Epsom Salts

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Got a 11 month old lurcher bitch that has become milked up.


She had her season back in March/April but the milk has only started to show now.


Ive got her on Epsom Salts (1 tea spoon per night) and I have cut her water back a bit.


My question is how long should i leave it before the milk should dry up. I know its a bit of a broad question but she has been on the salts since Sunday night and there doesnt seem to be much change


The milk is only in the back 4 teets at the moment.


I am concerned that the salts have given her the shits bad, like water!


The milk does not seem to be going hard yet, so im not concerned about Mastitis at the moment.


Any advice much appreciated

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I have had three bitches over the years that suffered from milk production during phantom pregnancy. The best thing I found was to cut back the food and plenty of exercise. Never used epsom salts and

LOL " Can't believe people are still using these old wives remedies" homeopathy is just sugar pills and will not have any effect what so ever on a bitches milk production as it has no active ingredien

If the salts have given the dog the sh*ts bad then stop its not going to help. The bitch has had a phantom and once its gone as far as milk production, you often have to let it run its course and just be aware of mastitis. There are several products to help dry a bitch up available on prescription which can be worth a try. You may want to consider using something to prevent the psuedo or phantom pregnancy next time, unless you have her spayed as its often a reoccurring problem.

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I thought this might be the case, this is my first bitch so please excuse my ignorance and all the questions


What sort of products will help to drive the milk off if it has gone to far for the Epsom Salts to help?


Am i right in thinking that if the milk does go hard, I will need to put her on Amoxicilin?


What can be done to prevent phantom pregnancy, I have been reading up about a Pill for bitches?


Thanks again

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I have had three bitches over the years that suffered from milk production during phantom pregnancy. The best thing I found was to cut back the food and plenty of exercise.

Never used epsom salts and I certainly wouldn't cut back on water, especially in the summer and if she has the squits.


If it continues, get her neutered.

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If the salts have given the dog the sh*ts bad then stop its not going to help. The bitch has had a phantom and once its gone as far as milk production, you often have to let it run its course and just be aware of mastitis. There are several products to help dry a bitch up available on prescription which can be worth a try. You may want to consider using something to prevent the psuedo or phantom pregnancy next time, unless you have her spayed as its often a reoccurring problem.



:clapper:Good sensible,.helpful advice...


I've had a few bitches that suffered badly from Phantoms,..and as stated,..once this business gets started,.. it can realy debilitate a female lurcher..They are, all over the place, both physically and mentally....


It is a mystery,.but some bitches never seem to get such problems :hmm:

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if she is 11 months now she would have only been 8 months back in May bit young for a first season and if she is showing a phantom pregnancy now you should look at speying her these usually signify some problems down the line.

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Really don't want to go down the spaying route as she is well bred and my intention was to breed from her.


Is it strange for the Milk to only really show in the teets now, so long after the season.


Ive been advised to cut back on her exercise until the milk has dried up, is that wrong?


I will stop the salts tonight and assess if the milk has gone done a bit. If she has been on them since Sunday night, should the milk have gone if it was going to?


Would putting her on the pill prevent this problem in the future.


Obviously I'm keen to have her right for the season but not at the risk to her health, I would wait all year if i have too!

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Epsom salts, as you've found out, can cause bad diarrhoea, and also run the risk of seriously dehydrating the bitch. Can't believe people are still using these old wives remedies that can damage a dog's health.


I've used Urtica Urens 3c in the past with good results and no nasty side effects. It is a homoeopathic remedy, which, whether you believe it or not, really does work. Get it from here: http://www.dorwest.com/Search/urtica%20urens%203c


Important to remember not to touch the pills with your hands, and preferably don't give with food: wait at least 20 minutes before or after feeding. You can't overdose on this, and it does work.

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Epsom salts, as you've found out, can cause bad diarrhoea, and also run the risk of seriously dehydrating the bitch. Can't believe people are still using these old wives remedies that can damage a dog's health.


I've used Urtica Urens 3c in the past with good results and no nasty side effects. It is a homoeopathic remedy, which, whether you believe it or not, really does work. Get it from here: http://www.dorwest.com/Search/urtica%20urens%203c


Important to remember not to touch the pills with your hands, and preferably don't give with food: wait at least 20 minutes before or after feeding. You can't overdose on this, and it does work.

LOL " Can't believe people are still using these old wives remedies" homeopathy is just sugar pills and will not have any effect what so ever on a bitches milk production as it has no active ingredients, it's just pill without the medicine! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeopathy based on what amounts to magical thinking, might as well rub it with a toad lol now thats an old wives tale.



I note the company make no such claims of effectiveness in this for this product.

Edited by sandymere
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Whatever you may say, I have used this remedy in the past with great results, and have also used the higher potency version to stimulate milk supply, which it did, in abundance. I wouldn't advocate using any 'alternative' remedy without having seen the results for myself, and its not just my perception of the results. Dogs can't be affected by the placebo effect.


When I first heard of Urtica Urens I mistakenly got the wrong potency for a bitch who was still in milk weeks after her pups had decided they were weaned: within 8 hours of giving her the wrong one, she was literally dripping with milk and quite uncomfortable. I quickly realised my mistake and got her the correct portency: within a day she had stopped dripping milk and was starting to dry up. I can only say what I have seen with my own eyes. People shouldn't be so quick to disparage something if they haven't tried it for themselves, regardless of the hype.

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Lordy it stinging nettle LOL, you take a stinging nettle, add to water, dilute until there is no stinging nettle left, moisten sugar pill with the , now pure water, dry the pills then believe that the sugar pills are going to do something!!!!

For an intelligent woman at times I wonder.

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Whatever you may say, I have used this remedy in the past with great results, and have also used the higher potency version to stimulate milk supply, which it did, in abundance. I wouldn't advocate using any 'alternative' remedy without having seen the results for myself, and its not just my perception of the results. Dogs can't be affected by the placebo effect.


When I first heard of Urtica Urens I mistakenly got the wrong potency for a bitch who was still in milk weeks after her pups had decided they were weaned: within 8 hours of giving her the wrong one, she was literally dripping with milk and quite uncomfortable. I quickly realised my mistake and got her the correct portency: within a day she had stopped dripping milk and was starting to dry up. I can only say what I have seen with my own eyes. People shouldn't be so quick to disparage something if they haven't tried it for themselves, regardless of the hype.


Sandymere is the ultimate doubting Thomas :yes:


Kess tablets were good but are no longer available, I would be willing to give your old wives tale a go. Are you an old wife? :laugh:

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