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"digging Bitches"

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six or seven seasons before breeding :icon_eek: . stuff and nonesence. a dog or bitch could walk at any time. if you dont trust your dog/bitch after a couple of seasons. will you ever? it all seems a little over the top to me. how many regularly worked dogs last that long. what if you wait till your terrier is 7 or 8. to find out its no lead in its pencil. regular work can prematurely age a terrier. bitches of that age after a heavy working life will be more likely to have problems welping. if you have a good line of workers would you be willing to chance missing out on a litter due to not trusting the breeding in your workers.? ive been around a long time and ive yet to see a terrierman wait till a terrier is around seven /eight. breeding wise you need to breed off younger stock to get the best chance of a decent litter. jmho.

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been plenty of good digging bitchs about --some get took out of circulation for breeding --dogs tend to make the name more if there used for stud smithy bred minor bred rex bred ----plenty of lads kee

six or seven seasons before breeding . stuff and nonesence. a dog or bitch could walk at any time. if you dont trust your dog/bitch after a couple of seasons. will you ever? it all seems a little ove

Do they not all produce digging bitches? After all if the bitches arent digging surely the line would die out because the bitches would be/should be culled....

  On 09/08/2013 at 20:15, Cleanspade said:

six or seven seasons before breeding :icon_eek: . stuff and nonesence. a dog or bitch could walk at any time. if you dont trust your dog/bitch after a couple of seasons. will you ever? it all seems a little over the top to me. how many regularly worked dogs last that long. what if you wait till your terrier is 7 or 8. to find out its no lead in its pencil. regular work can prematurely age a terrier. bitches of that age after a heavy working life will be more likely to have problems welping. if you have a good line of workers would you be willing to chance missing out on a litter due to not trusting the breeding in your workers.? ive been around a long time and ive yet to see a terrierman wait till a terrier is around seven /eight. breeding wise you need to breed off younger stock to get the best chance of a decent litter. jmho.

Have to agree with you cleanspade,as after 6-7 seasons then your bitch is pushing 9 year old and if you do breed you are waiting say 18months to see if the pups if any make the grade from the stud you used.Then if they do or maybe they were no good well by that time its too late to rectify the situation as the bitch is too old to breed of anymore.I think if a bitch is worked hard for a season or 2,and it also depends on there style of working then you should know if they have the qualitys needed to breed from,jmho.

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I'm sure my mate won't mind me posting this but here.....a "working bitch" 938BE110-8C56-4361-9EC6-4D08F709C829-155very good bitch at that! gouldy bull bred so I'm told, mate took a litter from her this year to which I was gifted a pup DA924C19-2D19-4C6E-93C2-EC5A123DCC4B-381 this is the pup at 18 weeks old today. Have high hopes from my little bitch, hopefully she makes the grade ?

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  On 09/08/2013 at 21:26, BS40liam said:

I'm sure my mate won't mind me posting this but here.....a "working bitch" 938BE110-8C56-4361-9EC6-4D08F709C829-155very good bitch at that! gouldy bull bred so I'm told, mate took a litter from her this year to which I was gifted a pup DA924C19-2D19-4C6E-93C2-EC5A123DCC4B-381 this is the pup at 18 weeks old today. Have high hopes from my little bitch, hopefully she makes the grade ?

just to add the bitch is 4 year old more than proved herself to take a litter from, as the sire as above post say at least if the pups doesn't work out at least it can be rectified as the bitch has more than enough go in her and life atb
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always mostly keep bitches and if they have two good seasons and if i needed a pup i would breed her. no point waiting until there 5 or 6 as you might only get the chance to breed her once. my first border i waited to long to breed her i said i would take a litter from her after that season she was 5 and got killed that season so wont wait that long again she dispatched every fox she was dug to

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  On 09/08/2013 at 23:49, MasterBates said:

This site is great there's experts on every topic lol



  On 10/08/2013 at 09:22, Cleanspade said:


  On 09/08/2013 at 23:49, MasterBates said:

This site is great there's experts on every topic lol


whats your take on it mr bates. these are just folks opinions. have you an opinion on this subject. ??


please expand m bates ...

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  On 10/08/2013 at 09:22, Cleanspade said:


  On 09/08/2013 at 23:49, MasterBates said:

This site is great there's experts on every topic lol

whats your take on it mr bates. these are just folks opinions. have you an opinion on this subject. ??
in this game working bitches need to be as good as your dogs in my eyes when you have a bitch as that your on top of the world.. but men out there stop these bitches after 1or2 seasons and breed the shit outa them ....I don't c.s just my opinion .... And I didn't read the whole topic [BANNED TEXT] ya start lol
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I'd agree with you there MB and that can be the downside of it all.


My take on it, as I said before, is that the working terrier would be in a much better place if folk valued and kept more bitches. We now live in a world of names, names of terriermen, names of dogs, names of clubs, books...etc.


So lets favour the dog, like a dog, got a good dog, got a name for yourself, got a name for your dog. That dog is that good you wanna put it to open stud but we ain't gonna call it open stud because it sounds a bit 'wrong', so lets say available to 'selected bitches' and they start coming....

Nice litters produced too, names getting bigger, bitches are getting less selected because now it's a friend of a friend an you ain't seen it graft but hear its ok... So how many bitches is that now..? Oh, it don't matter too much, if ya didn't know much about that other one, why care now and that money helps...! Hey, this kids keen, bitch is shite but i'm helping him along, his stock 'should' improve...! That's how many linings this year, thats how many pups..? This dogs a cracker though, should be 'some' handy animals about.... How are those pups lookin..?


So now you flip it....

Lets favour the bitch, like a bitch gotta good bitch, got a name for yourself, got a name for that bitch. Because whether you have or you ain't, when it comes to breeding from her the ONLY thing your gonna do is put her to THE best dog you possibly can, no if's but's or maybe's.... How are those pups lookin now..???????

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  On 10/08/2013 at 21:37, Bosun11 said:

I'd agree with you there MB and that can be the downside of it all. My take on it, as I said before, is that the working terrier would be in a much better place if folk valued and kept more bitches. We now live in a world of names, names of terriermen, names of dogs, names of clubs, books...etc. So lets favour the dog, like a dog, got a good dog, got a name for yourself, got a name for your dog. That dog is that good you wanna put it to open stud but we ain't gonna call it open stud because it sounds a bit 'wrong', so lets say available to 'selected bitches' and they start coming....Nice litters produced too, names getting bigger, bitches are getting less selected because now it a friend of a friend an you ain't seen it graft but hear its ok... So how many bitches is that now..? Oh, it don't matter too much, if ya didn't know much about that other why care now and that money helps...! Hey, this kids keen, bitch is shite but i'm helping him along, his stock 'should' improve...! That's how many linings this year, thats how many pups..? This dogs a cracker though, should be 'some' handy animals about.... How are those pups lookin..? So now you flip it....Lets favour the bitch, like a bitch gotta good bitch, got a name for yourself, got a name for that bitch. Because whether you have or you ain't, when it comes to breeding from her the ONLY thing your gonna do is put her to THE best dog you possibly can, no if's but's or maybe's.... How are those pups lookin now..???????

Good post boson.... Didn't want to be an ass lick lol

Edited by MasterBates
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