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Myxy levels

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Over the last week or so, driving around the country lanes, ive seen a few real baduns. It seems a little earlier this year, but as chalky stated, it probably never went away at all from last season, just been hiding in the background and vegitation.


Its a disgusting disease that should never have been brought to our country :no:

Poor old bunnies eh!





Id have\made him f*****g eat one!!!!!!!!! :angry:

IMO thats how it keepsgoing....different strains of Myxy spread around by miserable farmers

with their head up their arse. :angry:

Never Mind.........soon be winter!!!!!!!!!! :clapper:



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:( Yep in our area Kent we are inundated with mixi, its a awful desease. if you see any on their last legs put them out of their misery.

Its not fair game to allow the dogs on them.Just hope it goes away. :(

Im in Kent too ,its here on Magwitches and mines permission sad to say.

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Lots of people in the south were reporting it last year but I was lucky and didn't see any on the farm where I do the ferreting. Unfortunately, I've already seen several myxy rabbits this year and caught one this morning; at least he won't be able to pass it on.

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It's rife up here on the North Yorkshire moors :( Many are just sitting out too thin and sick to even move and on closer inspection their heads are virtually hollow. Dispatched one couple of days ago that I saw running into the drystone walls in a feeble attempt to get through :( . Saying all this there are many many others who are so far ok.. but I fear its only a matter of time. The myxi'd ones are a useful quarry for our young hawks but its no fun really and the attitude a kill is a kill is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow.

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Was down near Coventry last weekend. Got 37 rabbits by shooting, snaring and ferreting. Out of the 37, 30 had myxy, some of them were realy bad. It was more a case of stopping the poor things suffering rather than sport.

My main area is near Doncaster and I spotted one rabbit with myxy there this week so I suppose most of the others are doomed now :no: It was looking like being a good season.

Edited by Axholme Ferreter
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